RIGGING 2024:: Illegal Immigrants Send to Swing States In Mass Numbers Under the Biden, Harris Regime

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-10-04 12:57:44 | Updated at 2024-10-08 00:23:05 3 days ago

Market Watch: Several swing states are home to large numbers of unauthorized immigrants or have seen a large surge in their numbers since 2021, according to federal court data compiled by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. While these data aren’t a comprehensive account of where all undocumented immigrants are residing, TRAC says they do provide a general sense of which destinations are attractive. The most popular destinations are large states with strong economies, including Texas, Florida, California, Illinois, New Jersey and New York. But several key swing states have also seen their unauthorized populations grow (Market Watch).

They’re importing voters to swing states. Clear as day. https://t.co/u6hp1PHLeP

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 4, 2024

OPEN BORDER: If this wasn’t a purposeful plan it sure is a spectacularly brilliant accident. Moving hundreds of thousands New Democrat voters into states where the Republican margin is tens of thousands.

h/t @LeadingReport pic.twitter.com/1ZhCeZwwF9

— @amuse (@amuse) October 4, 2024

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Elon Musk: The Dems are doing deliberate voter importation to swing states & fast-tracking them to citizenship. The only question is when (not if) enough migrants can vote to flip all swing states, shifting the whole country to permanent one-party rule, just like what happened to California after the 1986 amnesty. Diabolically smart tbh. That’s why I keep saying that, unless Trump wins and reverses this scam, 2024 is the last election in America. The Dem machine’s voter importation scam is the true threat to democracy, not Trump (X)!

Related: Almost EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT Voted Against Legislation Preventing Illegals from Voting in U.S. elections.

RIGGING 2024: Biden to VETO Bill Preventing Non-Citizens from Voting After He Flooded the Country with 10 Million Illegals

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