Scottish pro-lifers holding torchlight procession for the unborn in Glasgow

By LifeSiteNews (Politics) | Created at 2024-10-24 17:05:32 | Updated at 2024-10-24 19:23:24 2 hours ago

Thu Oct 24, 2024 - 12:55 pm EDTThu Oct 24, 2024 - 12:58 pm EDT

GLASGOW (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-lifers in Scotland are gathering today to remember the 10 million unborn lives snuffed out in Britain since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act.

The Scottish branch of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children will be holding their annual Candlelight Procession this evening in Glasgow. It will be preceded by a public recitation of the Rosary in George Square at 6:30 PM. After these prayers, the crowds will walk together to St. Andrew’s Cathedral. There they will hear Mass.

Pro-life groups and individuals from other towns and cities in Scotland are expected to attend.

READ: Monthly men’s Rosary initiative takes root in Scotland’s capital

Regarding the event, SPUC Scotland stated on their website that the “Candlelight Procession is a peaceful vigil which commemorates the lives lost and hurt by the violence of abortion and ensures that these precious lives are not forgotten.”

On September 24, SPUC Scotland led an outright protest outside Scotland’s Parliament in Edinburgh against the new “buffer zone” law that came into effect that day. The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill made any form of pro-life activity illegal within 656 feet of an abortion facility. Anything, including silent prayer, that might “influence” women seeking to kill their unborn children through abortion, is illegal within these spaces. Fines for refusing to comply begin at £10,000 ($13,410 US).

The September 24 event was peaceful, well-attended, and covered by mainstream media.

RELATED: Pro-lifers in Scotland protest new ‘buffer zone’ law banning silent prayer outside abortion centers

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