SEC Goes After Elon Musk to Take Down X and Shut Down Free Speech

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-23 12:15:56 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:24:03 6 days ago

The Securities and Exchange Commission has asked a federal judge to sanction Elon Musk if he continues to violate the court’s order to appear for a deposition in a probe of his 2022 Twitter acquisition. The SEC has been investigating whether Musk or anyone else working with him committed securities fraud in 2022 as the Tesla CEO sold shares in his automaker and shored up a stake in Twitter, ahead of his leveraged buyout of the company now known as X. In May, the court ordered Musk to appear for a deposition by the financial regulators regarding the Twitter deal (CNBC).

Free speech has no home in the Democrat party. Not under Biden, not under Harris.

We are under fire from within.

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President Biden previously said he had ways to “get” @elonmusk using the legal and regulatory system. It’s no coincidence the SEC is now attacking Musk and X.

Free speech has no home in the DNC. Not under Biden, not under Harris.

— Libertarian Party (@LPNational) September 20, 2024

I was forced to concede to the SEC unlawfully

Elon Musk

— Tesla Owners Silicon Valley (@teslaownersSV) September 20, 2024

Collin Rugg: The Swamp doesn’t like it when they can’t control what you say. The SEC is investigating whether or not Musk “broke federal securities laws” when he bought Twitter in 2022 (X). End Wokeness: Biden right after Elon bought Twitter: “There’s a lot of ways (to get him)” (X)

I was forced to concede to the SEC unlawfully

Elon Musk

— Tesla Owners Silicon Valley (@teslaownersSV) September 20, 2024

"I wanna be clear, I do not respect the SEC, I respect the Justice system"

-Elon Musk

— SMX 🇺🇸 (@iam_smx) September 20, 2024

Since Elon Musk Bought 𝕏:

-SEC sues Musk over the purchase
-FTC demands internal 𝕏 documents
-Biden DOJ sues SpaceX for not hiring refugees for secret rocket technology
-Biden DOJ and SEC open investigations against Tesla over a literal glass house
-Biden DOJ opens criminal…

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 6, 2023

Since Elon Musk bought 𝕏:

-SEC sues Musk over the purchase
-FTC demands internal 𝕏 documents
-Biden DOJ sues SpaceX for not hiring refugees for secret rocket technology
-Biden DOJ and SEC open investigations against Tesla over a literal glass house
-Biden DOJ opens criminal investigation against Tesla over self-driving cars
-Federal investigation into Neuralink
-EOCC sues Tesla over harassment
-Massive media campaign against 𝕏
-Massive corporate boycott campaign

The regime is terrified of this man.
This is only the beginning.

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