U.S. — In another blow for Disney, the live-action remake Snow White was beaten at the box office by a middle school recorder recital in Rushville, Nebraska.
According to tracking data, the auditorium had about five dozen people gathered to listen to a recorder medley, trouncing national viewership of Snow White four-fold.
"It's a tough pill to swallow," said Disney producer Dana MacIntosh. "After spending hundreds of millions of dollars and years of work on this movie, it turns out people would rather hear some twelve-year-olds screech their way through 'Mary Had A Little Lamb'. In fairness, I'm told half of the people in the auditorium were parents, but a loss is a loss. Congratulations to the Recorder Rascals of Rushville, you earned it."
At publishing time, Snow White producers had learned they also narrowly lost the box office competition to an empty theater currently undergoing renovations.
The Founding Fathers didn't always agree behind closed doors.