It’s pretty universally agreed that Sojourn is beyond busted, with players demanding nerfs to the hero. Perks just took her to another level. There is, however, a close second behind her that’s been tearing up matches.
Sojourn has been at or near the top of nearly every Overwatch 2 tier list since the game launched, with her combination of consistent DPS and the burst on her railgun making her invaluable to pretty much every team composition.
Even with her ability to one-shot while Mercy boosted getting removed, she’s ridiculously hard to fight against. But there’s a close second, a hero who’s always been slept on that, with the help of Perks, is an absolute terror: Torbjorn.
And, while this hero has long been lauded on console where aiming is significantly more difficult, it’s at the point where he’s taking over PC lobbies, too.
Torbjorn would be breaking Overwatch 2 if Sojourn was worse
Torb has almost completely transformed since Overwatch’s original 2016 release, with him originally playing to buff his turret and hold a choke with it. There are clips that are a decade old at this point of his turret getting play of the game on its own while he just stands there.
Fortunately, this hero is a lot more three-dimensional now, though he’s still exceptionally easy to play and gets a massive reward for relatively little effort. And, in all fairness, he’s been that way for a while.

No damage falloff on his primary, high base health, very consistent DPS with his turret, and an ult that can clear entire teams has made him a damn good pick for the past few seasons. Torb had been buffed several times since OW2 came out, and all those buffs have stacked up.
This has made Overwatch’s shortest hero a sleeper pick for a while, but what makes him so much better in Season 15 than in the past?
Simply put, Torb’s Perks are really good, especially his level 3 ones.

With his minor Perk, Fully Loaded is almost always your best bet. Avoiding that reload time while you’re running headlong into the enemy team’s frontliner and holding down right-click is both fun and effective.
As for the major Perks, both options are great. Overloaded turret doesn’t last for very long, but it’ll give you two or three missile salvos out of its upgraded version that do substantial damage before the buff’s duration runs out.
Anchor Bolts, however, is where the real frustration comes in. Against heroes who have severe damage falloffs like Sombra, Tracer, and Cassidy, this turret just will not die. It can be made easily inaccessible to a significant portion of OW2’s cast, turning it into a real pain to deal with.
Sure, Torbjorn can’t heal his turret if it’s on the side of a three-story building, but your enemy probably can’t get to it, either. And, considering how strong his base kit is without the turret, being able to set it and forget it is a blessing.
If there’s a point where Sojourn gets nerfed – and she likely will be in the near future – watch out for Torbjorn. He’s in a position to take over the meta completely if left unchecked.