Some Liberals Want To Put Trump In Jail For Helping Woman Pay Her Grocery Bill

By Daily Caller (U.S.) | Created at 2024-09-25 16:00:12 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:16:11 4 days ago

September 25, 2024 11:09 AM ET

Donald Trump stopped by a Pennsylvania grocery store Monday, where he handed a $100 bill to a woman in line to help her cover the bill.

What a mensch! But now the libs want to put him in jail.

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Donald Trump was busted handing out money to voters to cover groceries at a campaign stop.

This is a clear violation of election law.

— CALL TO ACTIVISM (@CalltoActivism) September 24, 2024

Other than the fact it’s literally illegal to give money to voters…just how grossly tacky is this guy? Handing out bills to the little people.

— Fred Wellman (@FPWellman) September 24, 2024

“CAUGHT ON TAPE: Donald Trump was busted handing out money to voters to cover groceries at a campaign stop. This is a clear violation of election law,” wrote one left-wing activist account with over a million followers.

Conservatives piled on in the replies mocking the absurd claim, but plenty of libs were champing at the bit for another chance to finally “get Trump.”

Look, I’m no election law expert, and I certainly can’t explain the details of which law may or may not apply here. But what I can tell you is that it’s not a good look for Democrats to demand putting a guy in jail for helping a struggling family pay their grocery bill. They might not say it out loud, but if you’re accusing someone of illegal activity, the presumed punishment you have in mind is a criminal sentence.

The obvious double standard is also worth noting. Could you imagine these people holding Kamala Harris to an “equal standard of justice?” Of course not. If Kamala started handing out hundos, the headlines would all read: “Harris Sparks Joy Wherever She Goes!”

The central issue here is that the left really just hates charity. They’d rather this woman and her family suffer until they can tax away all the wealth of men like Donald Trump and use it to launch a Universal Basic Income program, or whatever. Individuals aren’t capable of doing good; that’s the state’s job.

They think this makes them the real empaths, the only true warriors for social good. Your individual harm and suffering isn’t real. It doesn’t matter — it’s just a statistic on the path to utopia.

All I can say is: Good luck selling that to the mom who needs to put food on the table tonight.

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