Speaker Johnson announces bipartisan deal on short-term spending bill

By Free Republic | Created at 2024-09-23 05:10:08 | Updated at 2024-09-30 11:35:45 1 week ago

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Speaker Johnson announces bipartisan deal on short-term spending bill
The Washington Times ^ | September 22, 2024 | Alex Miller

Posted on 09/22/2024 9:18:02 PM PDT by Javeth

Congressional leaders announced a bipartisan agreement Sunday on a short-term spending bill that is expected to be approved and sent to the White House this week to head off a possible partial government shutdown when the new budget year begins Oct. 1.

The House is set to vote early this week on a three-month continuing resolution that will fund the government at the current fiscal year’s spending levels until Dec. 20. The bill does not include the controversial Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act that doomed its predecessor, and trims some extra spending that the previous version included, too.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, Louisiana Republican, wrote in a letter to Republicans that he was pushing the latest effort to prevent the Senate from jamming the House with a stopgap that could be “loaded with billions in new spending and unrelated provisions.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...

TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: budget; mikejohnson; rino; saveact
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So the GOPe are preparing to do it yet again, back-stabbing and betraying Trump and the American people with a CR without the SAVE Act, desperately needed to protect our institutions against the illegal immigrant invasion—all lead by the none other than RINO in chief Mike Johnson. Johnson betrayed the base and the US Constitution on the budget negotiations many times before, pretending to care about demanding border security from the Demonrats. Only, to fold and then completely capitulate on a continuing resolution that gives us nothing, at all to protect against the mass invasion of our communities by drug cartels, terrorists and fentanyl even flooding our schools and playgrounds. And here he is again, surrendering pathetically without a fight, but at the worst possible time and with the worst possible betrayal. Notice in the MSM news articles all the praise is coming from Demonrats and the cheap labor lobby.

Johnson’s excuse for leaving out the SAVE Act and betraying Americans yet again at the most crucial moment of the fight? “It might lead to a temporary shutdown”. Even though we’ve weathered many long shutdowns before with little damage, and in this case the shutdown would help Trump and MAGA by pulling back on the curtain to show how the Biden-Harris economy is a Potempkin economy run completely on massive debt, and it must be dealt with. It’s even a lot more urgent now to stand our ground and not capitulate, because the SAVE Act is at stake and the very survival of the American heartland and institutions, from being overrun by tens of million’s of illegals. There can be no budget even considered for passing without the SAVE Act getting guaranteed full passage, not a lazy CR or an omnibus—that is absolutely non-negotiable, as much as 2nd Amendment rights are.

But no, despite his pretense in fighting for the SAVE Act, Speaker Johnson is rubbing his hands together, teaming up with Jeffries, Schumer, Pelosi and other Demonrat leaders to betray the conservative base once again and back-stab Trump in the bargain. This after all is the real main goal here, the GOPe has long had it in for Trump as much as Dems and the Deep State have, desperate to have him out of the way to replace him with meek RINO controlled opposition like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio—our modern versions of McCain, Romney or George W. Bush. So that the Republican Party can just be a servant of the uniparty again catering to the demands of the cheap labor lobby, flooding the US with millions more migrants and illegals, forever changing the country all while they ship born-and-bred young Americans overseas to bleed in wars for elites and foreign interests.

Jerome Powell delivered the first GOP establishment back-stab to Trump earlier in the week with the Federal Reserve returning back to government money-printing with the 50 pct rate cut. To give the Biden-Harris economy another drug induced temporary high and try desperately to hide the US economy’s desperate dependence on even more debt, and so the cheap labor lobby could cry about “labor shortages” to force even more open borders on the American people. And now the GOPe is getting all geared up to deliver an even bigger RINO back-stab with the budget negotiations. Like Congressman Biggs pointed out in his article couple days ago, Johnson has just been putting on a surface display of fighting for the SAVE Act, only while actually preparing to drop it in a “compromise” (actually a full capitulation) to Jeffries and Schumer under pressure. And now he already shows his true colors.

Johnson is giving even RINO traitor Paul Ryan a run for his money in his betrayal of conservatives and the American heartland as speaker. Even if he’d gotten the SAVE Act into a CR to the Senate, he would’ve just meekly allowed Schumer to strip it out without a fight, turn around to the Republican base and cry “we tried, just not time now to protect our country because a one-day shutdown is just too scary” and full capitulate on passing it without any SAVE Act provisions to protect our country. But Johnson couldn’t even lift a finger to make that pathetic minimum of an effort. Voting doesn’t even matter when the Demonrats just flood the polls with millions of illegals on stolen ID’s and it may be too late already, but Johnson wants to make sure of it—it’s the only way he gets payed his millions in bribe money from the Chamber of Commerce, Bloomberg, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, the Kochs and rest of the cheap labor lobby. So he’s already committed to betray Trump at the American people at the crucial moment.

There’s no greater sin in politics than folding when you have negotiating big advantage and we have it here, makes it all the more unforgiveable for Johnson and the RINO traitor snakes to even consider betraying Trump and the American people here and strip out the SAVE Act. The Demonrats fear a shutdown far far more than real Americans do. They know their fake economy is built on massive debt and a house of cards, and even a short 1 or 2 day shutdown gives a peek behind the curtain so the American people all can see it. This is the easiest victory in the world for us. All Johnson and the House GOP majority have to do is stand our ground like Trump is saying, and if the Demonrats force a shutdown by blocking the SAVE Act that’s on them, and then the whole country sees the Dem economy debt manipulations. The Dems are forced to cry uncle and include the SAVE Act, our borders and institutions are protected and then an awakened American public sees the truth, a crushing victory for us.

Instead like the article shows, Johnson is setting up to give the Demonrats and cheap labor lobby a two-fer—meek surrender on the budget CR without the SAVE Act, so the Dems get to hide their massive debt based manipulation of the economy, AND the SAVE Act and it’s protections are snatched right of our hands, so voting is useless and they get to steal yet another election from Trump even worse than before. All because Johnson is such a weak minded wimp he can’t even stomach a 1 or 2 day shutdown that would wreck the Demonrats and actually show the country what they’ve been doing, while making sure we get the SAVE Act.

We can’t let Johnson and the RINO GOPe traitors get away with this! We need to hold their feet to the fire. If the GOPe back-stabs Trump and the US heartland yet again on this most fundamental issue, passing a CR budget without the SAVE Act, then they won’t be getting the votes of American conservatives anymore, and the RINO-led Republican Party will deservedly burn to the ground. It’s even more shameful because there’s a worldwide conservative movement catching fire right now, and only the RINO traitors are blocking it here in the USA. We just got back into Florida after months abroad, our kids and a lot of our family have used our ancestral connections to move to Europe and a few to Brazil and South America, it’s extraordinary how well it’s advancing. So there’s no excuse for Johnson and the RINO’s to betray the American people and the Constitution like this.

Even in France of all the places, conservatives gain strength every day, they’ve blocked Macron and the globalists from forming a government, they’ve secured French borders and forced out over a 1 million Muslims in the past few years alone, they’ve brought on a Catholic resurging and abortion restrictions to protect the unborn despite Macron’s bleating, they’ve even secured gun rights stronger than ever before. We were in some French provincial towns visiting our family there and they remind us a lot of the small traditional conservative towns in Florida and the Carolinas when we were growing up, but much sturdier and solid and with a stronger conservative foundation, strong in family and worship. And Europe overall is much more conservative at it’s heart than we ever expected, especially on immigration and culture but even on the right to bear arms they surprised us. From the Mediterranean through Switzerland, Germany, east Europe even in Scandinavia, gun rights and ownership are great respected again, even the Swedes and Norwegians now have higher gun ownership and respect than most of the US thanks to the betrayals of the RINO’s and Demonrats with their gun-grabbing and “red flag” laws. Conservatism in the traditional sense is powerfully taking hold in the rest of the West, it’s only the GOPe traitors and their Demonrat allies blocking it here.

No to Mike Johnson’s betrayal in the works. No to a budget CR without the SAVE Act. No to the RINO GOPe, and if this pathetic budget CR capitulation goes through then this RINO-led Republican Party will burn completely to the ground, it will not get conservative votes when they betray us at the moment of truth like this. There can be no compromise on something so fundamental to the survival of the US, if the SAVE Act is stolen from us there’s no point in even voting anymore with the Demonrats and cheap labor lobby flooding the country and our institutions with millions of illegals. They’ll destroy the country overnight. And there can be no tolerance for a RINO scumbag like Mike Johnson back-stabbing Trump and back-stabbing the American people on this. Call, email and write to your representatives relentlessly and to Mike Johnson’s office, everyday, get angry and let them know there will be no tolerance for a budget CR without the SAVE Act, and we will not forgive or forget betrayal on something this important.

1 posted on 09/22/2024 9:18:02 PM PDT by Javeth

To: Javeth

Once again, can kicked....

2 posted on 09/22/2024 9:25:17 PM PDT by JParris

To: Javeth

I suspect they opted for after the election when thy can push on thru exactly what they want in it's entirety rather than settle for compromises they obviously don't want to make ....

3 posted on 09/22/2024 9:29:33 PM PDT by caww (O death, when you seized my Lord, you lost your grip on me......)

To: JParris

Yep, can kicked and critical ground surrendered without a fight, and as things are going we’ll never get another chance to pass the SAVE Act. Mike Johnson is now the Great Capitulator and intends to become the Great Betrayer, if this goes through as he wants, he will be more responsible than anyone for back-stabbing Trump and delivering the country into the hands of the Demonrats and cheap labor lobby. We’re going to start calling and emailing our reps every hour starting tomorrow morning and then calling Johnson’s office, letting him know such treason will not be tolerated. If the SAVE Act isn’t in there, just as Trump is warning, there must be a shutdown until the Demonrats blink.

4 posted on 09/22/2024 9:29:39 PM PDT by Javeth

To: JParris

"Once again, can kicked...."

Should be Repuke heads getting kicked down the road instead.

5 posted on 09/22/2024 9:30:11 PM PDT by mass55th (“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” ― John Wayne)

To: Javeth

But...But...Mitchly said it would be “beyond stupid” to have a showdown with the Ratz!

Apparently he thinks that Americans don’t give a Ratza** about who’s voting, they only worry about bureaucrats being forced to take a paid holiday.

6 posted on 09/22/2024 9:31:28 PM PDT by Regulator (It's fraud, Jim)

To: caww

The timing is a factor but the issue is leverage, after the election we basically have none because everyone just wants to go home in the lame-duck and wait for the new Congress, so no tough or needed legislation gets through. Only a lame watered down CR would get thorugh in the lame-duck. Our only chance to get the SAVE Act passed is now, and this is the only time it matters because it has to get through before the election. SAVE Act would be meaningless theater if it was after the Demonrats already flooded in enough illegals to defeat Trump in November.

Not to mention it’s the Dems are most terrified of a shutdown before the election because of how it would expose the Biden-Harris debt fuelled house of cards. Trump is right on this, we have our only leverage to pass the SAVE Act right now and we have to stand our ground, if the Dems try to play chicken then they’d get the short shutdown they fear most and we get a double-win, the American people see the Demonrat fake economy and we get the SAVE Act when they give in. Trump has always seen a bigger picture and how to fight the Swamp. The only thing standing in the way of a critical fight on this hill, is the surrender-happy weakness of Mike Johnson and his GOPe back-stabbers. We can’t let them go through with this betrayal.

7 posted on 09/22/2024 9:35:57 PM PDT by Javeth

To: mass55th

Exactly what’ll happen if Johnson and the RINO’s go through with this. They won’t be getting conservative votes anymore, the GOPe-led and corrupted Republican Party will burn to the ground. Either stand and fight, or else. Mike Johnson has meekly capitulated and back-stabbed already many times on the budget. There may have been strategic retreat excuses before but, not now. This is our battle of Saratoga. Trump himself has called him out on this. The SAVE Act is non-negotiable and this is the only chance we’ll ever have to pass it, and at most crucial time. Mike Johnson had better not betray us on this, his office and other reps will be getting millions of calls from angry conservatives starting in the morning for even considering this back-stabbing.

8 posted on 09/22/2024 9:40:03 PM PDT by Javeth

To: JParris

9 posted on 09/22/2024 9:40:09 PM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)

To: caww

I think they Wanted to avoid a government shutdown in an election year.

I know its unfair, but Republicans will always get blamed for government shutdowns.

To: Javeth

"They won’t be getting conservative votes anymore..."

True Conservatives won't vote for them, but there are plenty of registered Republicans who will vote for them just to keep the seat Republican. That's why we've never been able to get rid of the rinos in Congress.

11 posted on 09/22/2024 9:42:56 PM PDT by mass55th (“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” ― John Wayne)

To: Javeth

These whores for hire in DC are the enemy. Not those abroad.

To: Regulator

Turtle Mitch and Meek Mike Johnson are the most spineless, pathetic pair of “leaders” we’ve had in years. Never met an idle Demonrat threat or cheap labor lobby bribe they wouldn’t capitulate to. It’s all the the more infuriating now because we hold all the right cards. It’s not like a 1-2 day shutdown would even do much when we’ve had 2 week shutdowns many times before, all it would do is just expose the debt fuelled budget mess and inflation of the Demonrats that they’re most terrified of. But Mitch and Mike are prepared to capitulate on the SAVE Act out of fear of a 2-day shutdown that actually hurt the Dems more.

Just imagine if we had to fight the American Revolution with spineless cowards and traitors like this leading us against the British. They’d probably given up our entire arsenal in a week out of fear that freedom would be too messy for the American people to get a taste of.

13 posted on 09/22/2024 9:48:06 PM PDT by Javeth

To: JParris

America is bankrupt and not going to come back. It’s over.

To: Javeth

Dems try to play chicken then they’d get the short shutdown they fear most and we get a double-win, the American people see the Demonrat fake economy and we get the SAVE Act when they give in

When the government gets shutdown, the Republicans always get blamed.

To: Trumpisourlastchance

Exactly, when we took our oaths of service we swore to defend the United States and the Constitution from enemies overseas and domestic, and it happens the most dangerous enemies now are the traitors at home. More than anyone, the snakes in the grass in the GOPe like Mike Johnson, undermining us from within.

We just checked and turns out, the email and phone lines for Johnson and our reps in Congress are open right now, so we’re not even waiting until the morning. We’re calling and leaving voicemails and writing to them now, any of us who are awake. It’s important that Johnson and any fellow RINO traitors and their staffers get the message first thing when they get into there chambers in the morning, with thousands of messages that the base is watching. And we will not tolerate this planned betrayal and back-stabbing of Trump and the base on the most crucial hill to fight on. No SAVE Act, no budget, and no betrayals will be allowed or forgiven.

16 posted on 09/22/2024 9:59:20 PM PDT by Javeth

To: Javeth

Dear Speaker Johnson,
I recognize that “politics is the art of compromise” but you seem to bend over all the way

and for what?
do you honestly think the American people are staying up worried all night that the federal bureaucrappy might need to shut down temporarily while you get a good budget bill through?

a federal government that is 90 percent bloated including agencies that work directly against the interests, values, and civil liberties of the American people?

if you really believe that, you’re disconnected from the current American reality

17 posted on 09/22/2024 9:59:36 PM PDT by faithhopecharity ("Politicians aren't born, they're excreted." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 to 43 BCE))

To: Javeth

When’s the last time the traitors in “CON-gress” actually passed a budget, instead of continuing resolutions?

18 posted on 09/22/2024 9:59:56 PM PDT by politicket

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