“Staggering” Shift: Aftershocks Continue After Teamsters Snub Kamala Harris

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-24 14:31:25 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:29:30 5 days ago

The left may have the megaphone (Democrat controlled media, entertainment etc) but we, the people, want Trump.

Watch the steal unfold.

The eroding support of Democrats from the union workers accelerated as Kamala Harris became nominee. David Marcus: The results of the Teamsters own internal survey were staggering. Back in July, President Joe Biden, (remember him?) was leading Donald Trump 44-36 percent. Fast forward to today and Trump has surged to a 60-34 lead over Harris in the online survey and 58-31 over the phone lines. This is a massive shift, more dramatic than we have seen within any other substantial demographic. Cutting off Joe Biden’s ancient roots in the labor movement has left members a clearer choice between Harris and Trump, and it’s bad news for the Veep. It’s also bad news for many in the Teamsters leadership who bristled when union president Sean O’Brien spoke at the Republican National Convention, as did the left-aligned labor movement in general (Fox News).

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AOC was upset with the Teamsters. Washington Examiner, quoting Union President Obrien: “instead of trying to pick a fight with labor leaders who listen to their members and embrace their members’s opinions, she should maybe get into her district where it voted far Republican, far-right Republican, and maybe find out what the problem is.” O’Brien added that when he has any problems on a worksite between members, he chooses to address the issue at hand. As such, he suggested the New York congresswoman “may want to focus on her job instead of mine” (Washington Examiner).

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