States Supporting Terrorism Slander Israel at the UN

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-25 12:57:16 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:30:20 4 days ago

This year’s session of the UN General Assembly is predictably an anti-Israel & anti-Semitic hate fest. In a just world, this corrupt & hideous organization would be dismantled. The heroic Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu will be addressing the UN General Assembly on Thursday. Expect a harsh response to these vicious Jew-haters.

Turkish 🇹🇷 President Erdoğan: “Just as Hitler was stopped 70 years ago, Netanyahu and his murderous network must be stopped.”

Am I tripping or this mass-murderer monster had the audacity to call Benjamin Netanyahu “Hitler”?

— Vivid.🇮🇱 (@VividProwess) September 24, 2024

Under the category of 'This can only happen at the UN':

ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan met yesterday with two great champions of human rights – Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, renowned for slaughtering Kurdish civilians and jailing journalists, and with Palestinian Authority…

— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) September 24, 2024

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“The U.N. General Assembly annual opening is really a catwalk for dictators… It’s going to be one dictator after another. The UN is rolling out the red carpet.”@HillelNeuer on @FoxNewsRadio with @Kilmeade


— UN Watch (@UNWatch) September 24, 2024

Under the category of ‘This can only happen at the UN’:

ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan met yesterday with two great champions of human rights – Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, renowned for slaughtering Kurdish civilians and jailing journalists, and with Palestinian Authority…

— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) September 24, 2024

Mr. Secretary General @antonioguterres, the nightmare you speak of, is in fact reality. The reality is that Hezbollah has taken Lebanon hostage, and the UN is neither acknowledging their actions, nor fulfilling its fundamental obligation – preventing Hezbollah attacks and…

— יואב גלנט – Yoav Gallant (@yoavgallant) September 24, 2024

If you wonder why conservative Americans have a growing disdain for the United Nations, look no further than the Iranian President being allowed to speak to the UN General Assembly. Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism — a designation supported by both political parties…

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) September 24, 2024

UN Week: when democracy-promoting world leaders and international prosecutors fall over themselves to pose shaking hands with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who is now in the 20th year of his four-year term.

— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) September 24, 2024

States supporting terrorism slander Israel at the UN

Turkey and Qatar criticize Israel, accuse it of committing ‘genocide in the Gaza Strip’.

By Arutz Sheva, Sept 24th, 2024

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, leaders of two countries that provide shelter to Hamas members and other terrorist organizations, criticized Israel’s policy at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

Erdogan attacked and said: ”As a result of Israel’s attacks, Gaza has become the largest cemetery in the world for children and women.”

”I call on the UN Security Council to stop the genocide in Gaza. What are you waiting for? Why aren’t you stopping them? They endanger the residents of the region and the citizens of the State of Israel for political purposes,” he added.

Later, the Emir of Qatar also took the podium and said that “Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip.”

The Qatari leader also said that ”after a year of war, one can no longer talk about the right to self-defense.”

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