Steve Bannon – A Letter from Prison

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-28 15:05:44 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:24:27 1 day ago

Even from his prison cell, Steve Bannon won’t be subdued. He understands what is at stake – everything.

Bannon: Victory is at hand

A letter from prison

Thanks to the National Pulse

DANBURY, Connecticut, September 26, 2024 – Victory is at hand.

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Recent shifts in the few reliable polls in key districts and swing states show that hard-pressed Americans are decisively rejecting the phony “politics of joy” and the empty promises that define the Harris campaign. People are seeing through the word salad rhetoric, recognizing it for what it is: hollow.

To date, the Harris campaign has offered no real solutions to the struggles Americans face: inflation, rising crime, and weakening national security. These topics can’t be masked by feel-good phrases, celebrity endorsements, or as many Oprah interviews as you want.

Harris has peaked. The momentum is now on our side, and this is the time to capitalize on it.

If the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement focuses all of its efforts on a massive get-out-the-vote and ballot-chasing effort in the crucial days and weeks until November 5th, we will win and win big.

The stakes have never been higher; this is the opportunity to take back control. We are not just fighting for a win; we are fighting for the future of America. A victory of this magnitude means sweeping control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency. With this trifecta, we can destroy the policies that have harmed Americans and put the country back on track.

The reality is that there is no significant group of “undecided” voters left regarding the candidates themselves. People know where they stand when it comes to President Trump and his opponents. What remains unclear for some is whether they will actually participate in the voting process.

These are the individuals who will decide this election. With relentless effort and personal contact, they will break our way. It’s our job to engage with them, ensure they understand what’s at stake, and motivate them to cast their ballots.

President Trump risks his life daily to save our country. Every day, he faces tremendous opposition and challenges, but he continues to fight for the American people.

Through your work, show him that you have his back. Let’s demonstrate our commitment to this cause by putting everything we have into these final weeks.

Remember: Victory is at hand.

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