Thai official, inactive for 10 years, continues to receive salary while working at nightclub

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2024-09-23 06:13:00 | Updated at 2024-09-30 09:26:13 1 week ago

A government official in Thailand has been accused of receiving a salary and bonuses for a decade without ever completing a proper day of work, raising renewed concerns about public sector corruption in the country.

The unidentified official reportedly held a position at the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department in Ang Thong province in central Thailand.

According to the newspaper The Thaiger, the official did not attend his government job for about 10 years because he had been focused on his singing gig at a nightclub.

The official was reportedly constantly exhausted from working at night, which led him to skip work during the day. However, he was neither fired nor penalised and continued to receive his salary and bonuses.

Occasionally, he would be summoned to the office to receive reprimands and sign documents at the mayor’s request, a tactic reportedly used to avoid scrutiny.

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