The world cannot ignore Israel’s continued attacks on civilians in Gaza

By LifeSiteNews (Politics) | Created at 2024-09-30 13:55:03 | Updated at 2024-10-07 06:31:13 6 days ago

Mon Sep 30, 2024 - 9:42 am EDTMon Sep 30, 2024 - 9:47 am EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — Dear good people,

We are delighted to state that reader donations have totaled up to 60 percent of the minimum campaign goal to date. That is very good news. Thank you!

That leaves the other 40 percent to be received by Thursday, just three days from now. Given that most donations come in the during the later days of every campaign, there is good hope that the goal can be reached. However, we take nothing for granted.

We still hope and pray that many more will pitch in and join this mission with a gift to

There was a lot of important news last week:

“Catholic” Notre Dame does it again, including a former Planned Parenthood executive and David Rockefeller as speakers during the inauguration celebration of the university’s new priest president, Father Robert Dowd. Both these speakers are notable anti-Christian enemies of Catholic moral teaching. Rockefeller is from the wealthy depopulation clan that has played a very large role in corrupting the culture of the West and advancing the culture of death throughout the world. No one should be sending their children to Notre Dame anymore. By doing so, you affirm that the university can do whatever it wants against Jesus Christ.

Canada keeps getting weirder and weirder. Now the Liberal Party has attacked a Conservative MP for visiting a pro-life church convention in the United States. Huh? This shows how extreme and out of touch with ordinary people the party has become. I have a hard time figuring out how the Liberals still have anyone wanting to vote for such a corrupt, culturally Marxist political party that is bent on destroying whatever good is left in Canada. And yet, there are still many who will vote Liberal. They must hate themselves.

And here is another symptom of Canadian insanity. A New Democrat MP is introducing a bill to criminalize denial of the claim that the indigenous residential school in Canada was a “genocide.” Trouble is, after many investigations, there is zero proof that this happened. So, the MP wants to criminalize denying reality. It is nothing more than hatred of Christians and finding any way to oppress them. The MP should be charged with a hate crime.

This next one is a necessary bill in the United States. Rep. Paul Gosar has introduced a bill to end vaccine manufacturer immunity from injury lawsuits. The entire nation should support that bill. The immunity from liability from vaccine injuries has allowed pharmaceutical criminals to get away without any accountability for the massive harm and destroyed lives their vaccines have caused.

There are some amazing people on the LifeSiteNews team. One is Dr. Maike Hickson, a great researcher and writer, whose recently deceased husband played a significant role in U.S. military intelligence. He had a good relationship with Catholic commander John Sharpe, who Maike recently interviewed about his new book, Neo-Conned! Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq, and the role Israel played in manipulating the United States into a huge war based on lies.

Many U.S. servicemen died in that useless war, but much worse, and which few journalists refer to as though their lives were of less value, almost 1 million Iraqis were killed in the war. It also led to a dramatic decline in the large Christian population of Iraq. The entire thing was evil, but we can’t blame the soldiers for what happened. They, too, were victims and often heroic. Watch Maike’s fascinating interview with Sharpe.

Lastly, I want to draw your attention to what I consider to be the most significant article last Friday. Frank Wright reports on the personal experiences of two volunteer surgeons who went to Gaza to treat the injured. It relates the horrifying violence they discovered that was deliberately directed by the IDF at civilians and children, even very young ones.

These heroic physicians put their lives on the line to help others and they want the world to know about what they saw and which very few media have shown. They realize hardly any of the public, even in Israel, are aware of this but need to know about it. The whole world needs to know. If you read just one article today, this is the top one to choose, although all of Friday’s articles are significant.

There is a lot of crucial content in the article, also from other doctors, medical workers, and journalists. From the article and its varied content, you will gain a dramatic new insight into what has really been happening in Israel and the great suffering being endured from extreme Israeli Zionist violence. It will likely change you, as it has changed many of us who have been reading, seeing, and learning about these things for almost one year now.

There are no “lies.” There is no “propaganda.” Only truth about real people, all made in God’s image and likeness. Please open your hearts and minds and make an effort to explore as much of this incredible article’s contents as you can. You will become among the few well-informed persons in the world on the Israel conflict if you do that.

Please help us to help you and others to continue to see the suppressed truth on many developments with your generous donation today. Donate to

For life, faith, family, and freedom,

Steve Jalsevac

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

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