Threat assessment: ranking risk among US companies dealing with China

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2024-09-30 19:08:17 | Updated at 2024-09-30 21:38:06 2 hours ago

Of the major US corporations reliant on their business in China, which are most at risk in the geopolitical competition between the world’s two largest economies?

On Monday, the market research firm Strategy Risks identified what it determined to be the 250 most vulnerable publicly traded US companies, led by the car maker Ford Motor, consumer appliance giant Carrier, the electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, tech titan Apple and global drink brand Coca-Cola.

The firm analysed a range of public information sources – company communications like annual and sales reports; media coverage; and government data – to assess exposure on a scale from 0 to 100.

The evaluation included categories like supply chain dynamics, connections with the Chinese government and Communist Party officials and industry regulations in China.

With a score of 69, Ford topped the list, followed closely by Apple and Carrier, each charting a score of 65. Tesla and Coca-Cola also scored 63, while other notable companies, including Honeywell and Walt Disney, are just below at around 60.

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