Trudeau pledges $200 million to push abortion, sex ‘education’ in Africa

By LifeSiteNews (Politics) | Created at 2024-10-01 16:51:39 | Updated at 2024-10-01 19:21:40 2 hours ago

Tue Oct 1, 2024 - 12:45 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is spending $200 million to promote sexual “education” and the murder of unborn children in Africa.  

According to a September 24 press release, the Trudeau government is spending $200 million in taxpayer funds to promote “comprehensive sexual and reproductive health” in Africa, $48 million of which will go directly to the pro-abortion International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). 

“Prime Minister Trudeau announced over $200 million for projects that will advance the comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights [sic] of women and girls, strengthen action on gender equality and pay equity, fight climate change, support humanitarian response efforts and restore security and stability in Haiti, provide institutional support for the UN, and promote peace, security, and human rights globally,” the press release said.   

IPPF promised to use the funding to prodive “comprehensive sexuality education to young people, [and] providing access to person-centred safe and legal abortion care, including post-abortion care” over the next several years.  

In addition to their promotion of abortion, IPPF’s “comprehensive sexuality education” has been exposed for promoting sexual depravity to children, including presenting the exploitation of women through prostitution as a normal “interpersonal relationship” to children under 10.  

The funding also includes $2 million over two years to expand “evidence-based and African-led initiatives to combat growing opposition and misinformation surrounding SRHR in sub-Saharan Africa, including access to safe [sic] abortion and post-abortion care. This project will advance global efforts to ensure that a woman’s right to choose remains protected and accessible.”  

Another $6 million project promises to “inform safe [sic] abortion policies by increasing understanding among countries and stakeholders of the need to invest in safe abortion services, as part of a comprehensive and person-centred approach to SRHR.”  

Trudeau’s promotion of abortion to impoverished countries is hardly a surprise, considering a 2017 comment by Trudeau’s then foreign minister that abortion is “a tool to end poverty.” 

The same year, the Trudeau government sent $241.5 million to provide and promote contraception and abortion in developing nations — particularly in Africa — as part of their commitment to securing global access to “sexual and reproductive health and rights.”  

Similarly in 2020, Trudeau announced new funding of $8.9 million to international abortion organizations as part of its commitment to exporting abortion to developing countries.

Campaign Life Coalition’s Jack Fonseca questioned Trudeau’s motive for pushing the murder of African babies, saying, “What can we call it when we witness Justin Trudeau, a white man, using $200 million in western cash to target black babies in Africa for eradication?” 

“This looks like open racism and a most vile form of neo-colonialism,” he continued. “We must tear off the Liberals’ euphemistic mask of ‘sexual and reproductive health,’ and call what the Trudeau Liberals are doing, by name. They are using abortion to eliminate future generations of black people in Africa. That is racism. That is modern day, ideological colonialism, imposing Trudeau’s values on a traditional African society that values having large families with many children, as a great good which gives life purpose, meaning and joy.”  

“The Trudeau Liberal government is a racist, neo-colonialist regime that hates the African people, African culture and African values,” he declared, explaining that the promotion of abortion is part of a “precision-targeted attack on the African culture and way of life.” 

“I have to believe it is not a coincidence that Africa is one of the few places on earth where Christianity is growing,” he said. “Just as leftists have destabilized western society in Europe and North America through sexual revolution, resulting in a breakdown of the family and mass abandonment of Christianity by the populous on these continents, could it be that another objective of bringing about wide-spread use of abortion and contraception in Africa, is to destabilize African family life and culture in the same way, in order to stop the growth of Christianity and eventually, bring about its collapse, just as we’ve seen in the west?”  

Indeed, the African people have begun to speak up against Trudeau’s radical promotion of abortion, warning that he is “not a friend to Africa.” 

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, leading African pro-life advocate Obianuju Ekeocha declared that Trudeau should not have been allowed to speak in her continent because of his commitment to funding the killing of pre-born African babies. 

In 2023, Ugandan MP Lucy Akello bluntly told the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development to stop pushing abortion on African communitues.   

“It seems no matter how much money will be spent on making abortion look good, our people still see through the money, marketing, and mass education,” she said. “Almost 80% of African countries have some sort of law prohibiting and restricting abortion.” 

“And it is predicated on a widely held belief that unborn babies have a right to life and deserve to be protected by law,” she continued. “Africa has a long history of colonization, just like Canada — of people, foreign governments, foreign-led organizations telling us what is good for us or what or priorities should be.”  

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