Trump admin is creating a viable alternative to liberal globalism right before our very eyes

By LifeSiteNews (Politics) | Created at 2025-03-14 18:12:40 | Updated at 2025-03-14 21:33:09 3 hours ago

Fri Mar 14, 2025 - 1:57 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — We are living through a moment of historic change – and the common-sense revolution of the Trump administration is part of a global realignment. Why has this happened? The old liberal global system was not only an attempt to conquer the world. The beliefs it manufactured to power this project were an attempt to win an argument with reality itself.

This argument has been lost, at enormous cost. As Elon Musk has repeatedly warned, the project to make the U.S. government more efficient is not simply a case of spring cleaning. If the United States does not dramatically change course, it is facing an almost imminent, catastrophic collapse.

ELON MUSK: “The interest that we owe on our national debt is now higher than the defense budget. Over a trillion dollars and growing. The country is going to go bankrupt.

That’s why we need the Department of Government Efficiency. D.O.G.E on a brass plaque on a desk.”

— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) December 1, 2024

The return to common sense at home, to “normalcy” in relations with Russia, and to realism in diplomacy are all hallmarks of the rapidly developing vision of the future presented by the Trump administration. This is a significant break with the consensus of the last four decades, which built on the 1920s foundation of “liberal democracy” to produce a system with ambitions to dominate the globe.

‘Only global power’

At the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a paper was published by the RAND Corporation.

In 1989 Samuel Hirschfeld wrote on “U.S. Grand Strategy for the 1990s and Beyond” for the Pentagon think tank and presented four options for the role of the United States at the end of the Cold War.

Three of them would have seen the U.S. draw down, with one offering a “disengagement strategy” – pulling back its military and financial commitments to a minimum. These options would reduce its enormous military budget and allow it, in varying degrees, to spend the resulting “peace dividend” at home.

Only one of the four options demanded an increase in spending and commitments. This was the strategy the U.S. decided to pursue – option one, to become the “only global power.”

The strategy of world hegemony – becoming and remaining the dominant global force – became the grand strategy of the United States. This means everything it did was mobilized to support this goal. Its economic, military and political culture was shaped, along with the production of belief through the sponsorship of mass culture, towards securing world dominance.

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Few Americans have been aware that their leaders, governments and agencies have been explicitly pursuing that world domination goal. They have normally been taught and associated such aspirations with totalitarian communist or fascist entities.

This goal is no longer in the national interest of the United States. This is what the Trump administration’s new direction means. Why is it no longer interested in global supremacy? Why has it pivoted to national renewal in place of building an international empire?

There are two main reasons for this shift. One, the world has changed – and the U.S. is no longer the only great power. Two, these enormous commitments will soon bankrupt the United States if they are not canceled.

The dream of global hegemony has met with the hard limits of reality. This is a shock, as we were made to believe that the end of the Soviet Union meant that the “liberal democratic” system had won, and for all time.

The unipolar moment

Defined by Francis Fukuyama as elections plus cheap consumer goods, the dissolution of Soviet communism was heralded as the “end of history,” with “liberal” consumerism emerging as the perfect system.

This was the ideological basis for the argument that “liberal democracy” should be spread around the world, by any and every means necessary – including propaganda, the subversion and collapse of foreign governments, and through the more direct means of regime change which is war. This was the “unipolar moment” – when the world had only one power. How was that power used?

No more talk of a peace dividend

The idea of a peace dividend was quickly forgotten. Instead of reducing the military and cultural propaganda budget, it was massively increased as a series of wars and dubious attacks furnished a globalist project with a false, manufactured case for a permanent “war on terror.” Fear-mongering has been constantly used to mold public opinion to justify the otherwise unjustifiable.

The U.S. national security state expanded enormously, with multi-billions spent on domestic and foreign surveillance. Projects such as the National Endowment for Democracy – begun under Reagan to subvert Soviet satellite states and counter Russian influence – were expanded through cutouts like USAID to sponsor a destructive, disorienting global social revolution.

These activities resulted in the subversion of news, entertainment, and the entire political culture of the Western world, producing a system which was either perfectly suited to produce a global empire – or was totally corrupt and fake, depending on whether you agree with liberal globalism.

This is the reason why the formerly free world is now managed by corrupt officials in every walk of life. From Church to State, through the military and judiciary, everyone is supervised by zealous political commissars who ruthlessly punish anyone who disagrees with the liberal-global agenda. This agenda, also known as the “rules-based order,” seldom defines its obvious principles.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has given a simple explanation of what these rules are: “LGBT, mass migration and war.” To this description can be added the “net zero” or “green” agenda.

Whether you agree with this agenda or not, it is obscenely expensive to maintain.

The effects on national cohesion are disastrous, as nations are replaced with global supermarkets browsed by borderless bargain hunters. Wages are driven down, and housing costs go up with increased demand, making the raising of a family near impossible. Birth rates have collapsed, as the financialization of the consumer economy has seen real wages stagnant since the early 1970s.

Importing millions more people to fix this problem simply makes it worse and will lead to the extinction of the nations of the West in short order.

Destruction was part of the plan

This is not a problem but a solution if you seek to standardize all former nations in a global system. Yet the costs of this ambitious utopia are endless. The consumer lifestyle is one of convenience, in which unwanted babies can be destroyed with a pill, and the elderly taught they should dutifully dispose of themselves when they become a burden. In this system there is no higher spiritual purpose to life than shopping, with fornication a close second.

To persuade people that the politics of national and even personal suicide are progressive and desirable is also enormously expensive. The USAID scandal has shown how vast amounts of money were spent to manufacture belief in this diabolical system. Much of our news, popular entertainment, our “thought leaders,” and indeed most of our mass popular culture in music and film and video games are all simply messages from the sponsors of a war on our entire civilization.

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The liberal-global Church

The “Synodal” Catholic Church can be understood as another arm of this project – which is obvious from its vehement defense of globalist principles and suppression of Catholic tradition itself. All traditions of all cultures were marked for replacement, as every aspect of cultural production was mobilized in making belief in the liberal-global system the highest  priority.

This has produced a fake culture and a false impression of reality in the minds of the public, and in the leadership who promote it. The rise of China is one hard limit against which no propaganda can prevail. Another is the capacity of the Russians to mobilize and maintain the only seriously battle-hardened army in the world. NATO cannot not win a war with Russia. Its power, as well as that of the European Union, has been underwritten by the might of the United States. NATO has been another “ideological bureaucracy” – the military wing of the globalists, and has no reason to exist now that the U.S. has decided to withdraw its sponsorship of Project Global.

MAGA: virtues of necessity

The virtues of MAGA are virtues of necessity. In cutting costs to stave off collapse, the vast and corrupt architecture of that system is being revealed. Those remnants of the old system – in Church and state – can only redouble their commitment to a discredited and dissolving empire. Compared to national renewal, Christian values and security through peace, how appealing is the old ideology of ruin?

It is impossible to make the case for this morally and financially bankrupt system without revealing the true nature of your mission. What is liberal about censorship? What is democratic about banning popular parties from government? What is Catholic about “gay rights,” net zero and open borders?

To continue to cheer for all this is like waving the Soviet flag after the fall of the Berlin Wall. There is no future for any relic of the global system. Theirs is the agenda of yesterday, which has produced the chaos, confusion and crisis of the present. They have no solution to offer. They are in fact the cause of all our problems.

In place of this discredited agenda, a new “peace dividend” is being promoted by the Trump administration. Instead of wasting trillions on global social revolution and war, money can now be invested in building a better life for Americans.

We’ve spent trillions on regime change wars while communities across our nation face a severe lack of resources and dire need.

— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) January 18, 2017

The beliefs which will now guide the West are no longer manufactured by the enemies of the truth. They are derived from the recognition of reality, and it is this reality which is persuading increasing numbers of its population to turn away from the poisoned politics of fantasy.

Reality needs no propaganda, as it was created by God and not a corrupt elite to sell the business of death and destruction as progress. The way forward, blazed by America, is a rational choice between ruin and restoration. The price of failure came at the cost of everything of value in life – including the value of life itself. This is no way to make a sale, no matter how good your advertisement.

As a result of its own actions, the liberal-global system is now going out of business. Real change is coming home to the West, God willing, a change for the better over the worst.

What a time to be alive.

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