Put a fork in it. The bureaucracy is done.
Trump administration to offer all 2 million federal workers the chance to take a “deferred resignation” with a severance package of eight months of pay and benefits. 5-10% of the workforce is estimated to quit, which could lead to around $100 billion in savings.
This is real, and it’s spectacular. pic.twitter.com/KGMWSAHtvz
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 29, 2025
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BREAKING: Trump administration to offer all 2 million federal workers the chance to take a “deferred resignation” with a severance package of eight months of pay and benefits. 5-10% of the workforce is estimated to quit, which could lead to around $100 billion in savings.
— America (@america) January 28, 2025
🚨 | BREAKING: The Trump admin is giving 2 MILLION federal workers the chance to take a “deferred resignation” with 8 months of severance pay and benefits.
Trump is draining the swamp the smart way.
Officials estimate 5-10% of the workforce will opt in, saving taxpayers up to… pic.twitter.com/FYpCePCLxJ
— Hank ™ (@HANKonX) January 28, 2025
he Trump admin is giving 2 MILLION federal workers the chance to take a “deferred resignation” with 8 months of severance pay and benefits.
Trump is draining the swamp the smart way.
Officials estimate 5-10% of the workforce will opt in, saving taxpayers up to $100 BILLION.
Dead weight? Gone. Bureaucratic bloat? Slashed. Taxpayers? Winning.
🚨 BREAKING: In the fednews subreddit, employees are already talking about taking the deferred resignation offer. In the comments there are those saying they don’t trust the government to hold up their end of the agreement.
Concerning that they work FOR the very government they… pic.twitter.com/hHmhuDO4gB
— seven.day.weeknd (@erriiiic) January 29, 2025
Buh bye.
Fork in the Road
All federal employees are currently being emailed asking them to return to office, improve performance, and increase standards.
They can respond with one word: "Resign", which will give them 8 months of pay as a severance package.
Email below (1/2) pic.twitter.com/DyuEnSMPfP
— near (@nearcyan) January 28, 2025
Trump administration offers the roughly 2 million federal workers a buyout to resign
By Garrett Haake, NBC News, January 28, 2025;
President Donald Trump’s administration is offering federal workers the chance to take a “deferred resignation” with a severance package of roughly eight months of pay and benefits.
A senior administration official told NBC News that they expect 5%-10% of the federal workforce to quit, which, they estimate, could lead to around $100 billion in savings.
All full-time federal employees are eligible, except for members of the military, employees of the U.S. Postal Service, positions related to immigration enforcement and national security and other jobs excluded by agencies.
“American taxpayers pay for the salaries of federal government employees, and therefore deserve employees working on their behalf who actually show up to work in our wonderful federal buildings, also paid for by taxpayers,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. “If they don’t want to work in the office and contribute to making America great again, then they are free to choose a different line of work, and the Trump Administration will provide a very generous payout of 8 months.”
The email included a draft resignation letter for them to review. If a person wishes to resign, they will be able to reply with the word “resign.”
The resignation period will begin Tuesday and go through Feb. 6.
🚨 NEW: This is the full buyout memo from the OPM sent to all Federal employees titled “A Fork in the Road.” The pillars of the new Federal government are clearly laid out.
If Federal employees wish to resign they simply put “RESIGN” in the subject line of the email they… pic.twitter.com/fFCiSAiprV
— Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) January 29, 2025
“If you choose to remain in your current position, we thank you for your renewed focus on serving the American people to the best of your abilities and look forward to working together as part of an improved federal workforce,” the email that will be sent to federal workers reads. “At this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency but should your position be eliminated you will be treated with dignity and will be afforded the protections in place for such positions.”
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