Trump Assassination Suspect’s Son Arrested for Child Porn

By The New American | Created at 2024-09-25 20:23:16 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:32:12 4 days ago
Trump Assassination Suspect’s Son Arrested for Child Porn YouTube Oran Routh

Oran Routh, the son of Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect in the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, will be famous for more than confirming his father Ryan Routh’s hatred of the 45th commander in chief.

Federal agents have arrested the younger Routh on child pornography charges. The pornography depicts the sexual abuse and statutory rape of girls between six and 14 years old.

Oran Routh was arrested on Monday, ABC news reported, the day before a federal grand jury indicted his father for attempting to assassinate Trump.

Trouble for the long-haired Routh began on September 21, when the FBI searched his two-bedroom rental in Greensboro, North Carolina, “in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation.” That suggests that an agent found the obscene material while looking for evidence pertinent to the investigation of Ryan Routh.

Next day, an investigating agent obtained a warrant to search Routh’s smartphones.

Investigators found “multiple electronic devices” linked to Routh. One was a Samsung Galaxy Note 9. When powered on, it featured a message with Routh’s email address that offered a reward for returning the phone to Routh.

“A review of the SD card located in Device- I revealed that it contains hundreds of child pornography files,” the criminal complaint alleges:

These files include videos from a known child pornography series created outside the state of North Carolina. Videos from the series depict minors engaged in sex acts including a video of an adult male engaging in oral, vaginal, and anal sex with a prepubescent female minor approximately 8-10 years of age.

Agents recovered a second Galaxy Note 9 from Routh. It contained video that showed a woman and girl about six to eight years old engaging in oral sex. That device also contained “chats from a messaging application that … is commonly used by individuals who distribute and receive child pornography.” 

A chat on July 24 featured an “individual” who “advertised cloud storage links for sale,” the complaint continues. That individual sent videos to “the user of Device-2” that depicted a man having intercourse with a girl about 12 to 14 years old, which would be statutory rape. 

Another video shows a woman performing oral sex on a girl about six to eight years old. 

The youngest age of consent for sexual activity with adults in the United States is 16.

Routh faces charges of receiving and possessing child pornography. First-time offenders are fined and can land in prison for anywhere from five to 20 years.

TDS a Routh Family Trait?

Sometimes hirsute with a beard, the younger Routh came to the public’s attention hours after his father’s arrest in the attempted assassination of Trump.

The Daily Mail tracked him down to ask a few questions.

Like his father, Routh apparently suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

He told the website that his father hates Trump like “every reasonable person does.”

“I don’t like Trump either,” he added. 

Continued Routh:

He’s my dad and all he’s had is couple traffic tickets, as far as I know. That’s crazy. I know my dad and love my dad, but that’s nothing like him.

Routh told the website that the two had a “falling out” and had “grown apart.”

But the interview also revealed that he might well have been lying, given the elder Routh’s lengthy criminal record.

“He’s not a violent person,” Routh told the website. “He’s a hard worker and a great dad. He’s a great dude, a nice guy and has worked his whole f**king life.”

The younger Routh said he didn’t know if his father owned a gun, and that “I’ve never known him to own a gun or known him to do anything bats*** like this.”

That cannot be true.

Oran Routh was about 15 years old when his father, armed with a machine gun, barricaded himself in a building in Greensboro, North Carolina, for a three-hour standoff with police. That crime was rather more serious than a “couple traffic tickets.”

The website revealed a “rambling” text from Oran Routh that suggests that an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree:

I hate this game every four years, and think that we all do, and if my father wants to be a martyr to how broken and disassociated the process has become from the real problems and practical solutions, then that’s his choice. 

I’m not saying that’s what he’s done or what he’s about, that’s just my own rant being fed up with it all for my entire adult life.

South Park said it best, every 4 years we’re forced to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche, and it all stays f****d in the same ways by different degrees, and we’re exhausted and embarrassed by it all.

Other evidence that suggests the son might have tried to cover the sins of the father is in the latter’s book, Ukraine’s Unwinnable War. In that forgettable literary effort, Ryan Routh advocated assassinating Trump. But perhaps Oran Routh didn’t read the book. Or perhaps anyone who knew him and did read it didn’t bother telling him his father suggested murdering the 45h president. 

H/T: Ace of Spades

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