Uber driver shares ‘wildly illegal’ item a mom left in his car to make sure he didn’t leave

By New York Post (World News) | Created at 2025-03-13 14:55:10 | Updated at 2025-03-14 08:39:58 17 hours ago

We’ve all been there.

You’re in an Uber and you suddenly remember you need to make a quick stop on your way home. Milk? Bread? Berocca?

You haven’t added the stop to the app, but you tell the driver to pull over, saying “I’ll be one sec,” as you jump out.

But you’re worried he might take off without you because they don’t want to wait. What can you do?

You can leave your… baby in the car. Your infant, in a baby capsule, in the car. That oughta secure the ride. What could go wrong?

According to an Uber driver recently, that’s exactly what one mom did during a trip. 

“Passenger left her baby to make sure I didn’t leave”

If you think like a typical parent, a lot could go wrong.

A mother left her baby in an Uber in an attempt to make him stay while she made another stop during her trip.A mother left her baby in an Uber in an attempt to make him stay while she made another stop during her trip. Reddit/TheWizardry90

The driver could speed off with the baby you’ve abandoned.

The driver could call the cops.

Or, in typical 2025-style, the driver could just accept the behavior, take a photo or video, and then post it to social media to shame you.

Obviously, this driver chose option 3 (otherwise we wouldn’t have a story right now).

His Reddit post simply said: “Passenger left her baby in my SUV to make sure I didn’t leave at her stop.”

He added a photo of the woman’s baby capsule (and confirmed there was an infant in it).

“The dumbest thing anyone would do”

As a parent myself, I was extremely stressed seeing this image. But as the driver posted in an Uber forum, the responses were not quite so hysterical as mine.

The post popular comment, for example,  read: “Plot twist: they wanted you to drive away.”

But of course, most people were alarmed.

“Out of all the things to anchor a driver, this has to be the dumbest thing anyone would do. Imagine they did this with the wrong driver. Who knows if they will get their baby back with the wrong driver. There are some sick MFers out there that will do that,” one wrote in concern.

However, that elicited another quip: “Some drivers wouldn’t even notice, take off, and then be told how cute their baby is from their next pickup.”

Then this driver also felt the situation was serious, and they wrote, “Technically, it’s child endangerment. They are leaving their child in the care of a stranger, while they go off to do whatever it is they think is more important than ensuring the safety of the child.

A picture of an Uber sticker is seen on a car.Many fled to the comments, with some noting that the Uber driver could speed off with the baby or called the cops. AFP via Getty Images

“You would have been well within your rights to contact the local police, even though you knew where mom was. If they had shown up before she did, she would have at least been given a stern warning.”

Presumably, the mom returned to her baby, as there has been no further update, and the driver has not posted to reveal he’s now raising a child and working double-time to pay for it.

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