UN Demands Immunity for UNRWA Terrorist-Employees Who Took Part in October 7th Atrocities

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-22 12:35:27 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:29:34 1 week ago

In an official document submitted to the US court, the UN, backed by the US Department of Justice, claims that UNRWA employees who participated in the October 7th massacre be granted immunity from prosecution.

The UN is a terrorist organization. But the Biden Harris Department of Justice backing immunity for these horrific atrocities marks an unimaginable departure for America as a force for good.  This is the act of terror state.

A full 10% of UNRWA employees are affiliated with a terror group, and at least 12 UNRWA employees participated directly in the October 7 massacre

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The UN is a terrorist organization.

Just when you thought the UN and the international community could not possibly get any more ridiculous and corrupt, they go and surprise you.

This is nothing short of ludicrous. pic.twitter.com/oOiEV7ARxZ

— Hillel Fuld (@HilzFuld) September 22, 2024

The UN is demanding immunity for their employees who took part in the Oct 7 massacre.

In an official document submitted to the US court, the UN, backed by the US Department of Justice, claims that UNRWA employees who participated in the October 7th massacre be granted immunity… pic.twitter.com/3uFcvkkaIX

— Adam Milstein (@AdamMilstein) September 21, 2024

Almog Boker (@N12News) is reporting that @UNRWA terrorists will get immunity and legal protection from the UN for their participation in the October 7 Massacre.

Below: two UNRWA employees on Oct. 7. pic.twitter.com/Jzl8kWlyxc

— Eli Kowaz – איליי קואז (@elikowaz) September 20, 2024


UNRWA demands immunity for employees implicated in October 7th massacre

The UN, with the support of the US Department of Justice, claims that UNRWA employees who participated in the October 7th massacre have immunity from prosecution.

By: Israel National News, Sep 22, 2024:

n an official document submitted to the US court, the UN, backed by the US Department of Justice, claims that UNRWA employees who participated in the October 7th massacre be granted immunity from prosecution.

A full 10% of UNRWA employees are affiliated with a terror group, and at least 12 UNRWA employees participated directly in the October 7 massacre: Six were part of the wave of terrorists who breached the border fence and participated in the assault, two helped kidnap Israelis, two were tracked to sites where scores of Israelis were massacred, and other coordinated logistics for the attack – including the procurement of weapons.

In the document submitted to a US court, it is claimed that the UNRWA employees who participated in the massacre have immunity: “Since the UN has not waived their immunity in this case, its subsidiary organization, UNRWA, continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, and the lawsuit should be dismissed,” reads UNRWA’s response document.

The US Department of Justice added: ”The plaintiffs’ complaint does not present a theory under which the United Nations waived its immunity. Therefore, since the UN has not waived their immunity in this case, its subsidiary organization, UNRWA, continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, and the lawsuit against the defendant UNRWA should be dismissed due to the lack of subject matter.”

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