The New York Post ran a story on Wednesday, “Whacko accused of plotting attacks on NYC synagogues sobs to mom as he’s sent to prison: ‘Let them down,’” about a man named Matthew Mahrer, who just got sentenced to prison for his role in a plot to attack two New York City synagogues. The Post describes Mahrer as “a Jewish man and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor,” and so he appears to be a deeply confused man. Photographs of the would-be synagogue attacker were revealing: from the looks of his weedy man bun and weak facial hair, he seems to be a typical leftist who believes that the Israelis are the “oppressor” and the “Palestinians” are the poor “indigenous people” of the land.
That much is clear enough. Yet other aspects of the story suggest that this was not just an attack of Antifa terrorists targeting synagogues out of their burning hatred for Israel. There was a telling hint that there was an Islamic aspect to this plot as well, but the establishment media, dedicated as always to doing everything it can to prevent people from thinking ill of Islam, swept it under the rug.
The Post notes that Mahrer “weeped [sic] on his mother’s arm inside the courtroom before he was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison by Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Gregory Carro,” and that “the crybaby, who was busted with his pal Christopher Brown two years ago, said he was ‘thankful’ that no one was hurt in the thwarted attack.”
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The report goes on to point out that Mahrer’s “pal Christopher Brown” was “carrying weapons with a Nazi armband recovered in his bags.” That is not surprising, given that the two creeps were plotting to attack synagogues. And those who think it inconceivable that Israel-hating leftists of 2025 would adopt National Socialist symbols haven’t been paying attention to the pro-Hamas demonstrations on campuses since October 7, 2023. A man waved a National Socialist flag at a pro-Hamas protest outside the Democratic National Convention in August 2024. In Montreal in March 2024, a pro-Hamas protester gave the National Socialist salute (for real, not like Elon Musk) and screamed “Death to the Jews.”
And so if Christopher Brown had a National Socialist armband, he would fit right in with his comrades. Yet Christopher Brown doesn’t look like a National Socialist. Nor does he look, as does Mahrer, like a typical dweeby leftist of 2025.
Instead, he looks for all the world like an Islamic jihadi. He has the copious beard and is wearing a kufi, and judging from the Post’s picture alone, has the arrogant mien that so many Muslims affect.
Is Brown a convert to Islam? It’s possible. That’s just the sort of thing the establishment media wouldn’t dare report, as they have a cardinal rule that anything that makes Islam look bad is to be downplayed or ignored altogether. Or is Christopher Brown just an admirer of Islam, draw to it by the hatred of Jews and Israel that he knows find ample justification in the Qur’an? That would essentially be the same thing. Remember also that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, lived in Berlin from 1941 to 1945 and worked with Hitler and other National Socialist leaders. After the war, many National Socialists moved to Egypt and Syria and converted to Islam.
One of the problems we have in America and the West in general today is that authorities will never address these considerations. It would be unforgivably “Islamophobic” even to ask such questions. And so free people, trying to figure out what is really happening, have to resort to reading the tea leaves. It’s akin to people in the Soviet Union trying to puzzle out the truth from what was written in Pravda.
If Christopher Brown had been a “right-wing extremist,” this news would have been blasted everywhere, and linked to Donald Trump. But if Christopher Brown shows by his headgear and his beard that he could be an Islamic jihadi, or have an affinity for Islamic jihad, not a single media outlet finds that to be a matter even worth exploring. We can hope, with signs of a shift in the cultural tide, that this determination to ignore unpleasant realities will be, in due course, rejected and cast aside. But there is no sign of that yet.
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