This facility was financed by Iran, and used to manufacture precision missiles for Hezbollah in Lebanon and for the Assad regime in Syria.
Israel’s military (the IDF) continues to perform brilliantly, courageously, and heroically as it dismantles Iran’s terror armies in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. And with the return of President Trump, Israel is going to finally destroy Iran’s nuclear program sometime in 2025. The genocidal terror regime in Iran is coming to an end.
–Elite Israeli commandos from the Shaldag unit executed a covert operation in Syria, targeting an Iranian-built missile factory. This facility, dubbed “Deep Layer,” was ingeniously constructed deep underground to withstand aerial attacks, showcasing Iran’s strategic efforts to shield its military production from conventional strikes.
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Wild details on the Israels raid in Syria ;
🔵Elite Israeli commandos from the Shaldag unit executed a covert operation in Syria, targeting an Iranian-built missile factory. This facility, dubbed "Deep Layer," was ingeniously constructed deep underground to withstand aerial…
— Uri Israel (@Israel2252) September 13, 2024
–For over half a decade, Israeli intelligence had kept a watchful eye on the development of this site, indicating the long-term planning and patience required for such a high-stakes mission.
–The operation was twice postponed due to the immense risks involved.
The Israeli military declassified intelligence on a commando raid that destroyed an Iranian-funded and supported underground compound for manufacturing precision missiles in Syria:
On September 8, 2024, over 100 Shaldag commandos raided an underground compound in Masyaf, Syria.…
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) January 2, 2025
DECLASSIFIED: In September 2024, before the fall of the Assad Regime, our soldiers conducted an undercover operation to dismantle an Iranian-funded underground precision missile production site in Syria.
Watch exclusive footage from this historic moment.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) January 2, 2025
Here are just some of the moments that shaped our 2024:
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) December 31, 2024
120 commandos deep inside Syria: IDF reveals daring raid on Iranian missile factory
Elite Air Force unit breached underground facility 200 kilometers from Israel, laid explosives and escaped unscathed after 2.5 hours, in one of the most complex operations to date
By TOI, Jan 2nd, 2024
The Israeli Air Force on Thursday revealed details and footage from one of its most daring and complex commando operations ever, in which 120 members of special forces units raided and destroyed an underground Iranian missile manufacturing plant deep in Syria in September.
At the time, the regime of Bashar al-Assad was still in power in Syria, and Israel had not yet launched its devastating campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Some of the details of the September 8 operation previously reported by foreign media outlets — including the name of the raid — are now known to have been wrong, or slightly incorrect.
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