During an interview on ABC’s “This Week” with host Jonathan Karl, far-left United States Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) jumped out of his chair and ended the interview, or at least tried to, when pressed on far-left “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) and her reported plans to challenge Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) by running for his senate seat in three years.
As background, Sen. Schumer and the sort of Establishment leftist politics he represents, something shown best during the recent funding spat with Republicans. Sen. Schumer backed down, allowing some Democrats to vote for the continuing resolution and avert a shutdown, which led to an explosion from AOC, who argued they should “fight harder.” So, it was with that growing feud in the background that Karl pressed Sen. Sanders during the Sunday, March 23 broadcast of “This Week.”
The incident in which Bernie got up and left came when Karl, referencing the “Fighting Oligarchy” tour that Rep. AOC and Sen. Sanders are on in which they are flying around the country in a champagne socialist attempt to present themselves as fighters for the people, said, “OK, you’re out there with the AOC today.” Karl then tried asking, “Do you see her as a future of the progressive –”
Bernie, cutting him off, said, “We have one of the untold stories –” Then, when Karl backed down from finishing his question and allowed Bernie to keep rolling, Sen. Sanders said, “Of what’s going on in current American politics, is that in the House of Representatives, you have dozens and dozens of strong, smart, disciplined, hard-working young people in the Progressive Caucus.”
The aging senator then started rambling about his own experiences, saying, “And, you know, way back when, when I first came to the Congress in the House, I helped form the Progressive Caucus. We had five people in it at that time. Now they have close to 100. So, you got a whole lot of good people. Alexandria is extraordinary. I am so impressed by her work in Congress and her – just, she inspires young people all over the country.”
Karl, following up, asked about the potential of an AOC senatorial campaign that would advance her wokeism into the United States Senate. He asked, “Would you like to see her join you in the Senate?” Bernie didn’t like that question, and stood up to leave. Practically jumping out of his chair, Bernie awkwardly mumbled, “I – right now we have, as I said, just a whole lot of people in the Congress. OK, Jonathan, thanks.”
Trying to keep the senator from just leaving, Karl said, “Wait, I got one more – I got one more. This is an important –” Bernie snapped, as Karl tried to keep him from leaving, “No, you want to do nonsense. Do nonsense. I don’t want to talk about inside the beltway stuff. I got 32,000 people –”
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Karl told him, “I was just asking you about AOC because she was out there with you.” Sanders then said, agreeing to stay, “Well, you know, fine, but I don’t want to talk about this – what was the last question?” Karl chided him for not sitting, saying, “Well, I mean, it’s easier if you’re sitting.”
Then, continuing despite Bernie’s rude and awkward behavior, Karl said, “I mean, I want to ask you about your future. This is the biggest crowd. You said – you ran for president twice. This is the biggest crowd you’ve ever seen. Are we going to see you run again? What’s your, what’s your future?” Sanders snapped, “No, right now I’m very proud that the people of the state of Vermont sent me back to the Senate with 63 percent of the vote.” Sanders added, “Right now I’m Vermont’s senator. That’s what I do. And I’m very happy to do it. I am 83 years of age. So – and I’m tired.” The interview then ended. Watch it here:
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video