Speaking during his debut podcast episode of “This is Gavin Newsom” with conservative podcaster and Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk, California Governor Gavin Newsom admitted that his own son, who is now 13 years old, loathes his dad’s political policies and supports Charlie Kirk, having wanted to get off school to meet him.
That commentary came in the context of Newom speaking to Kirk about the problems the current-year Democratic Party has, namely its support of far-left gender subjects such as transgender athletes in women’s sports, and asked Kirk what advice he would give to the Democratic Party about getting back on track.
Admitting during the show that he finds allowing transgender athletes to compete in women’s sports “deeply unfair,” Gov. Newsom told Kirk, “I think it’s an issue of fairness, I completely agree with you on that. It is an issue of fairness — it’s deeply unfair. I am not wrestling with the fairness issue. I totally agree with you.”
But, more importantly and humiliatingly, the governor admitted that his own son loathes how he is running the state, and that he had wanted to skip school to meet Kirk when Kirk came over for the podcast recording. He said his son asked him, “‘What time’s Charlie gonna be here? What time?’ And I’m like, ‘dude, you’re in school tomorrow.’”
Kirk then asked if, given that Newsom’s son was begging to get off school to catch the show and meet Kirk, he let him. “Did you let him take off school?” Kirk asked. Responding with a smile, Newsom said, “No, of course not!” Newsom added, “He literally would not leave the house… but he’s not here for good reason.” Kirk then noted that much school had been canceled in California during the Covid-19 pandemic, asking, “Well you canceled school for like two years, what’s one [day]?”
Newsom then admitted that Kirk and the Republicans are making a large dent in youth support for Democrats, asking, “The point is, you are making a damn dent.” Newsom also Kirk that he “loves watching” his combative exchanges with woke, leftist students on college campuses. He added, “And clearly that’s expressed by my 13-year-old son.”
Humiliatingly for Newsom, Kirk then told him that he is inviting the 13-year-old to the Turning Point USA event in Florida this summer, at which point Newsom admitted that a great many young Americans, such as his own son, loathe Democratic policies of the sort that he, as governor, has pushed. He said that those changes in youth support have him extremely “concerned” because now the Democrats are getting “clobbered.”
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Watch Newsom admit his own son dislikes his policies and instead likes Kirk here:
Newsom added, complimenting Kirk, “You’ve figured something out.” Kirk told him, “It’s not me, the president first deserves the credit.” Newsom tried diminishing Trump’s importance, saying, “You were at this before Trump was Trump. He was a Democrat back in 2011 and 2012.” Kirk then told him, “The president deserves huge credit, and I just have to say that as an obligatory thing, because without him our movement would be small. And you can appreciate that in politics, you have to appreciate the person who is the catalyst… it was a cultural moment that just opened us up.”