WATCH: Trump Roasts “Structural Marvel” “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff

By The American Tribune | Created at 2025-01-19 11:52:55 | Updated at 2025-01-20 13:57:21 1 day ago

Giving a very entertaining speech back in January of 2024, now-President-elect Donald Trump hilariously roasted Adam Schiff, joking that the woke congressman is a “structural marvel” because of his “pencil neck” and “basketball” head. Trump’s comments came in the context of him slamming Schiff for being dishonest.

As background, the clip came back up on X (formerly Twitter) in the context of now-Senator Schiff (D- California) going on the attack against Trump’s Attorney General pick, Pam Bondi, in the preliminary hearing on her candidacy before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The attacks against Schiff online included Trump’s very funny roasting of him.

In the clip, Trump jokes about Schiff being a “pencil neck” and incredibly dishonest. Beginning his tirade against the then-representative, Trump said, “Because they are the most dishonest people on earth, other than guys like Adam Schiff and — you know, Shifty Sch — Pencil Neck. Pencil Neck! He’s a marvel.”

Continuing, as the crowd roared with cheering and applause for his takedown of the much-disliked legislator from California, Trump said, No, he’s a structural marvel. He has a neck, and his head is like a watermelon and his neck — and how that neck can hold up that big oversized ugly head is hard to believe. No, it’s true.”

Still nowhere near done, Trump kept going, joking that Schiff’s head looks like a basketball being spun on a finger. Cracking that joke and slamming Schiff as a “terrible guy,” Trump said, “It’s true. Big head. It’s like your finger on a basketball, some of these guys, they spin it. No, no, he’s a terrible guy. Think of it, think of this Schiff.” Watch him here:

Adam pencil neck schiff, a structural marvel.

— Tom Peoples (@mrpeoples77) January 16, 2025

Continuing, Trump then got into what Schiff did, saying, “So they make up the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, it’s — you know, by this time it was found out and blah-blah,blah, everyone knows it’s a hoax, a scam. And, you know, it was originally used as a one-day deal to show that Hillary Clinton lost because of Russia, because they were embarrassed because they weren’t supposed to lose, but they lost.”

He added, “And so they made up this story that it was Russia. I said, ‘Russia?! What the hell did Russia have to do with it?’ And I meant that. So then it got carried away, it ended up being two and a half years because it got picked up by the fake news, they knew it was a scam, got picked up by the — but think of it. Adam Schiff made it up, along with Hillary Clinton and some others, DNC, Democrats, and they made up this — this scam. Dangerous scam, very dangerous.”

Then, commenting on how the matter impacted international relations, Trump said, “Amazing that — fortunately, I knew Putin very well and we had a little bit of a relationship, but he couldn’t believe it, he said, ‘What the hell is going on with your country?’ They make up this scam and then he comes out of a room. So he knows it’s made up and he has a news conference with a lot of press, and I’m watching this, and he goes, ‘Donald Trump Jr. Will go to prison because of what he did with Russia.’”

He added, “Now, talking about my son is going to go to prison because of something they know is a total hoax. It’s not like they believed it was maybe true. They knew it was because they made it up. It was a scam. It was written — no, think of it. And he’s saying — think of it, you have a son. And I called up my son, I said, ‘Are you okay?’ He says, ‘Yeah, I don’t know anything about Russia. What’s going on?’ He knew nothing about Russia. This guy in the fourth row right here, he knows more about Russia than my son knew.”

Then, commenting on just how evil Schiff is, as shown by his outright lying about something so important, “But think how bad you have to be as a person to do that. So he’s got a scam, they know it’s a scam. It’s a made-up story to try and justify why she lost, okay? She lost because she had no personality. She lost for a lot of reasons.”

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