What about crowd size? 43ft nude Trump statue erected along Las Vegas highway

By The Independent (World News) | Created at 2024-09-30 14:00:25 | Updated at 2024-10-07 06:25:08 6 days ago

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Donald Trump has made his mark on Las Vegas — in the form of a 43ft, nude statue.

A naked statue of the former president, titled “Crooked and Obscene”, was erected in a fenced-in lot next to Interstate 15 north of Las Vegas, Nevada, on September 28.

The statue resembles a frowning Trump and has arms attached to strings, allowing them to be moved around like a puppet. It is made of foam-covered metal rebar and weighs about 6,000 pounds, according to The Wrap.

The piece is a “a bold statement on transparency, vulnerability, and the public personas of political figures,” the creators, who have not been identified, told the outlet.

A 43-foot-tall naked statue resembling Donald Trump is displayed in a fenced-in lot near Interstate 15 north of Las Vegas, Nevada, September 28, 2024.

A 43-foot-tall naked statue resembling Donald Trump is displayed in a fenced-in lot near Interstate 15 north of Las Vegas, Nevada, September 28, 2024. (AFP via Getty Images)

The creators hope to inspire discussions around “transparency—or lack thereof—in politics, challenging viewers to think critically about political influence,” according to a press release.

This isn’t the first time that Americans have experienced naked statues of the GOP nominee. In 2016, five nude Trump statues popped up in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle.

The project was dubbed “The Emperor Has No Balls” by creators Indecline, a group that describes itself as an “activist art collective.”

The Independent has contacted Indecline regarding the latest work.

The statue was installed just over a month before the hotly contested presidential election.

Much like Trump himself, who has been zig-zagging the country on campaign stops, the project is expected to travel to other cities. Dates and locations have not yet been announced, according to The Wrap.

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