We nearly had a hot mess with this one — or a cold mess considering all the snow — wow!
There’s a reason why we have deer crossing signs all over our roads here in America, they like to jump in front of us while we’re driving like they’re on a constant suicide mission. We’ve all been there, I’ve clipped a couple myself.
Well, it isn’t just cars that deer like to jump in front of, they apparently like to get hammered by skiers too! (RELATED: Hunter Clips Incredibly Sexy Buck To Score Elite Kill In Missouri)
Kyle Bailey, a ski patrol member, was zooming down Red River Ski Resort’s black diamond slope in New Mexico, also known as “The Face.” During the Feb. 21 skiing session, a deer appeared out of nowhere running across the slope with both Bailey and the animal going at maximum speed.
And as you’ll see from the video, picked up by ABC News, we nearly had one hell of a collision on our hands.
Excuse my ignorance here, but who knew that it snowed in New Mexico?
I honestly had no idea that it snowed there, it’s not exactly one of those states that you think of when you’re talking about skiing resorts. But apparently that’s a thing there, as well as suicidal deer.
Damn … and I thought they had enough problems with cartels and “Breaking Bad” type nonsense going on.
Great show, by the way.
My prayers go out to the people of New Mexico … some vicious stuff over there!