January 08, 2025 1:00 PM ET
Holy moly!
This will truly be one of the biggest elks that you’ll ever see in your life, and an elite hunter championed it!
If you read my blog on a consistent basis, you’re very well aware that I like to write about hunting, and I like to think I bring some pretty crazy stuff your way. Well, this elk is going to be near the top of the list, because we’re dealing with a friggin’ behemoth here. (RELATED: Horrifying Video Shows Wolf Pack Running Up On Hunter)
In December, elite hunter Casey Brooks popped an elk that was so huge that I completely understood my wife’s question of “is that AI?” when I showed her. That’s how gargantuan this thing is! And according to his son Beau’s post on Instagram, it set a new world record, because how could it not?
.”The King of Elk Hunting: 480 4/8 Net! @caseybrooks65,” wrote Beau. “A lifelong dream has been fulfilled—my father, Casey Brooks, has done it! Potential official confirmation, he has shattered the world record for a Rocky Mountain elk taken with a bow, potentially dethroning both the Pope and Young record (449 4/8 net) and Spider Bull’s all-time Boone and Crockett record.”
Beau also put up some photos of this monster, and just … check them out for yourself:
Hot damn! This is such a top kill!
Doesn’t have anything on Richard Kichton’s giant moose though …
I still can’t get over how massive that thing is.