Bangladesh embarks on a major institutional shakeup following the departure of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The interim government, led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, has set up reform commissions to revamp the country’s core institutions.
These commissions aim to address long-standing issues in governance, elections, and the economy. The Constitution Reform Commission proposes significant changes to the country’s founding document.
It suggests removing secularism, socialism, and nationalism as state principles. The commission recommends replacing these with equality, human dignity, social justice, pluralism, and democracy.
These changes reflect the ideals of the 1971 Liberation War and the 2024 mass uprising. The commission also proposes creating a bicameral parliament to improve representation.
This would consist of a 400-seat National Assembly and a 105-seat Senate. Both houses would serve four-year terms instead of the current five-year term.
The lower house would use majority representation, while the upper house would use proportional representation. To address concerns about power concentration, the commission recommends establishing a National Constitutional Council.
This body would balance power between the three branches of government and the executive positions. It would include the president, chief justice, prime minister, and opposition leaders.
Bangladesh’s Reform Agenda
The council aims to ensure transparency in key appointments. The commission suggests limiting the prime minister’s tenure to two terms. It also proposes allowing no-confidence motions against the prime minister in parliament.
These measures aim to reduce the prime minister’s unilateral authority and promote accountability. Economic reforms also feature prominently in the interim government’s agenda.
The government plans to tackle corruption, improve the business environment, and address financial sector vulnerabilities. It seeks to diversify exports beyond the ready-made garment sector and attract more foreign investment.
The interim government faces significant challenges in implementing these reforms. Political resistance, timeline disputes, and balancing competing interests pose hurdles.
The government must navigate these issues while preparing for elections, tentatively scheduled for late 2025 or early 2026. International implications of Bangladesh‘s political upheaval remain significant.
India, China, and the United States closely watch developments in the country. Bangladesh’s ability to maintain balanced relations with these powers will be crucial for its strategic interests.
As Bangladesh moves forward with these ambitious reforms, several key questions remain. Can the interim government build consensus among political parties for these sweeping changes?
Will the reforms effectively address the root causes of Bangladesh’s political instability? The coming months will prove crucial as Bangladesh attempts to rebuild its democratic institutions.