$174 Million in Anonymous Contributions: Biden Is the Top Recipient of Dark Money Support in American Political History

By Geller Report | Created at 2025-01-16 18:32:23 | Updated at 2025-01-16 22:09:31 4 hours ago

“Joe Biden received $174 million in anonymous contributions, making him the top recipient of dark money support in American political history.”

And that doesn’t count the other $1B+ groups like Arabella spent for Dems in 2020 alone.

This con man, this grifter, this Soros puppet had the audacity to admonish the American people last night, “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”

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It's honestly baffling that Biden can go on TV and criticize others for taking dark money contributions when he's literally the biggest recipient of it in history. $174 million in anonymous contributions? Come on. It's the ultimate case of "do as I say, not as I do." The…

— Steven Baker, PMP (@STEVEPMP) January 16, 2025

Did Joseph R Biden, the top recipient of dark money support in the history of american poltiics, just call to get rid of dark money in politics?

— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) January 16, 2025

Grok confirms:

"Joe Biden received $174 million in anonymous contributions, making him the top recipient of dark money support in American political history."

And that doesn't count the other $1B+ groups like Arabella spent for Dems in 2020 alone. pic.twitter.com/fJOaxdeF8k

— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) January 16, 2025

🔥NEW: VDH tears Biden and his “oligarchy” warning to shreds:

"The subtext of that was that all of the so-called oligarchs that supported him in 2020 got tired of him."


"Mark Zuckerberg gave him $419 million to warp the 2020 election in key states, and he had no problem… pic.twitter.com/V7CqlsQPzv

— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) January 16, 2025

Also this:

6 Dem-supporting billionaires Biden didn’t mention while calling out political ‘oligarchy’

George Soros, Reid Hoffman, Howard Schultz, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer all have supported President Biden

By Greg Norman, Fox News, January 16, 2025 10:01am EST

Biden thanks the American people for the ‘great honor’ to serve as president during farewell address

President Biden delivers his farewell address to the nation from the White House.

President Biden is warning Americans of an “ultra-wealthy” “oligarchy” taking shape that is presenting a danger to the country, but did not mention in his farewell speech Wednesday night the numerous billionaires that have supported his campaigns in recent years.

Biden spoke about the “dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few, ultra-wealthy people” and said “an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights, freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”

Here are five billionaires who have recently supported President Biden:

1. George Soros

George Soros, a left-wing billionaire, investor and philanthropist, sent $250,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in September 2023, filings reviewed by Fox News Digital show.

Soros Biden

President Biden awarded George Soros with the Medal of Freedom in early January. (Getty Images)

Soros’ check followed a maxed-out contribution directly to Biden’s campaign that summer. Soros and his son Alex, who recently took control of the Open Society Foundations network that funnels large amounts of money to left-wing nonprofits and causes, both pushed $6,600 to Biden’s campaign on June 30.

During the last presidential election, George provided $500,000 to the Biden Victory Fund while sending millions more to super PACs backing him. Alex added $721,300 to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020.

On Thursday morning, Alex Soros shared an Instagram story with a caption of Biden and the message “Joe Biden warns an ‘oligarchy’ is emerging in America in his final White House address.”

2. Reid Hoffman

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman donated $699,600.00 on April 26, 2023, to the Biden Victory Fund, the campaign’s joint fundraising vehicle, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Biden attended a fundraiser that Hoffman hosted on behalf of the super PAC at the private residence of Shannon Hunt-Scott and Kevin Scott in Los Gatos, California, in June 2023.

3. Michael Bloomberg

Former New York City mayor, billionaire entrepreneur and media magnate Michael Bloomberg contributed nearly $20 million to help boost President Biden in his 2024 election rematch with former President Trump, sources confirmed to Fox News last year.

Bloomberg, a one-time Republican-turned-independent-turned-Democrat, wrote a massive $19 million check to the Future Forward PAC, known as the FF PAC, which was the leading super PAC supporting Biden’s bid for a second term in the White House.

super PAC supporting Biden’s bid for a second term in the White House.

4. Howard Schultz 

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced in 2020 that he would be voting for Biden that year and would be contributing to the former vice president’s campaign.

“In my view, our choice this November is not just for one candidate over another,” Schultz wrote in a letter to supporters at the time. “We are choosing to vote for the future of our republic.”

Schultz went on to say, “What is at risk is democracy itself: Checks and balances. Rigorous debate. A free press. An acceptance of facts, not ‘alternate facts.’ Belief in science. Trust in the rule of law. A strong judicial system. Unity in preserving all of our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Howard Schultz in DC

In 2020, Biden reportedly brought in $4 million during a virtual fundraiser hosted by a small group of billionaires and other Silicon Valley donors.

The virtual event was held by Climate Leaders for Biden, a group of environmental activists that includes billionaire and former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer, according to an invitation.
6. Michael Moritz

Moritz, a billionaire Democrat mega-donor and venture capitalist, contributed at least $7.8 million to pro-Biden and anti-Trump causes during the last election cycle, according to The New York Times.

5. Tom Steyer 

In 2020, Biden reportedly brought in $4 million during a virtual fundraiser hosted by a small group of billionaires and other Silicon Valley donors.

The virtual event was held by Climate Leaders for Biden, a group of environmental activists that includes billionaire and former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer, according to an invitation.

6. Michael Moritz 

Moritz, a billionaire Democrat mega-donor and venture capitalist, contributed at least $7.8 million to pro-Biden and anti-Trump causes during the last election cycle, according to The New York Times.

However, in July last year, Moritz called on Biden to drop out of the race following his debate performance against Trump in June.

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