4 China KOLs who are known for their quirkiness, unique styles, advocacy for greater good

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2024-09-30 02:37:31 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:19:06 4 hours ago

As China’s live-streaming and e-commerce industries continue to expand, influencers are resorting to tricks and stunts to capture eyeballs in their quest for followers and revenue.

While some have garnered praise and recognition, others have encountered criticism for their controversial or bizarre content.

The Post examines four key opinion leaders (KOLs) noted for their distinctive style.

Han Meijuan


Han Meijuan is known for his cross-dressing style and quirky catchphrases. Photo: Douyin

Known for his “cross-dressing” persona, this influencer has attracted more than 9 million followers on Douyin.

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