This is a new low for CBS and 60 Minutes. Relying on commentary from anti-Israel extremists for a segment on the Israel-Hamas war. These former State Department officials, Josh Paul and Hala Rharrit, have connections to HAMAS supporting CAIR, and were even too deranged for the radical Biden Administration. Listen to their unhinged statements below.
This segment outlines the moral rot that exists in the State Department. Surely many more State Department officials share the views of Paul and Rharrit. Now the question is can incoming SOS Senator Marco Rubio purge the State Department of these bureaucrats?
60 Minutes interviewed every extremist who was too radical for the Biden Admin and had to resign. The show is a parade of Palestinian sycophants.
This guy wanted Jews to be content with mere sympathies over October 7 victims and not to fight back.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) January 13, 2025
Josh Paul now works for @DAWNmenaorg, whose chairman is Nihad Awad, the head of CAIR who infamously praised the Oct. 7 massacre.
Which means Josh Paul and Hala Rharrit—two former State Dept. officials who were just platformed by 60 Minutes—have ties to CAIR. Not a coincidence.
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) January 13, 2025
60 Minutes (which recently hid Kamala’s transcript and doctored her interview to help her) runs a disgraceful hit job against Israel.
60 Minutes forgot that Hamas started the war, Hamas still holds American hostages, and any damage in Gaza is the sole fault of Hamas.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) January 13, 2025
‘60 Minutes’ slammed for relying on CAIR-connected sources for anti-Israel segment
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The American Jewish Committee said the segment was ‘shockingly one-sided, lacked factual accuracy and relied heavily on misguided information’
By Daily Wire, January 14th, 2025
CBS News is facing renewed accusations of anti-Israel bias over a “60 Minutes” segment criticizing the Biden administration’s handling of the war in Gaza that relies largely on two former State Department officials with ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), whose executive director has drawn condemnation from the White House for praising Hamas.
The new segment, which aired on Sunday, appeared highly skeptical of Israel’s war against Hamas in the wake of the Oct. 7 attacks — drawing almost exclusively on interviews with two disgruntled former officials who resigned from the State Department in protest of President Joe Biden’s support for Israel amid the ongoing conflict.
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