Biden Regime Announces ANOTHER $500 Million in Aid to Ukraine as Devastated California Burns

By Geller Report | Created at 2025-01-09 13:02:07 | Updated at 2025-01-09 23:54:24 11 hours ago

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NEW: Biden Announces Another $500 Million in Military Aid to Ukraine as California Burns

The total budget authority under these bills—the “headline” figure often cited by news media—is $175 billion.

By Carter Staff Writer, January 8, 2025

On Wednesday, Joe Biden, the alleged president, announced another $500 million in military aid for Ukraine as Los Angeles burns to the ground.

The U.S. is set to provide Ukraine an additional $500 million in weapons quickly pulled from its existing stockpiles as the Biden administration works to get Kyiv in a stronger negotiating position before President-elect Donald Trump takes office, two U.S. officials said.

The announcement is expected during Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s final trip to meet with the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, a consortium of about 50 partner nations that Austin brought together months after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 to coordinate weapons support.

The meeting on Thursday is the 25th and potentially last gathering of the U.S.-led group, as the participating countries wait to see whether it will be continued under Trump.

Joe Biden sent Ukraine a $1.25 billion weapons package late last month while he was on a taxpayer-funded vacation in sunny St. Croix until New Year’s.

Biden is sending Ukraine as much money and military aid as possible in his last few weeks in office.

In September, the Biden Regime announced an eye-watering $8 billion in military aid for Ukraine during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington.

This massive giveaway comes as Americans continue to face economic hardships, skyrocketing inflation, and an unprecedented crisis at the southern border.

Since the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion, Congress has approved nearly $175 billion in aid and military assistance for Ukraine.

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