An FBI That Targets Political Opponents Instead Of Terrorists Musn’t Lead New Orleans Investigation

By Geller Report | Created at 2025-01-03 12:56:48 | Updated at 2025-01-10 01:06:48 6 days ago

The FBI is garbage.

The FBI knew about an impending Islamic attack on a free speech event in Texas. One of their agents told Simpson to “tear up Texas,” and an accomplice of one of the jihadis was even communicating with the undercover agent at the time of the attack.

The FBI wanted us dead.…

— 🇺🇸 Pamela Geller 🎗️🇮🇱 (@PamelaGeller) January 3, 2025

FBI? Is it normal to give reporters unescorted access to an Islamic extremist’s bomb making lair less than 24 hours after his deadly attack?

— @amuse (@amuse) January 3, 2025

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An FBI That Targets Political Opponents Instead Of Terrorists Doesn’t Deserve To Lead New Orleans Investigation

The FBI wholly disqualified itself from leading investigations when it deemed anyone questioning the regime guilty of wrongthink.

By: Jordan Boyd, The Federalist, January 5, 2025;

In his New Year’s press conference concerning the New Orleans terrorist attack that took the lives of 15 people and injured dozens of others, President Joe Biden expressed confidence from Camp David that the FBI is “working nonstop to investigate this heinous act.”

“The FBI is leading the investigation to determine what happened, why it happened, and whether there was any continuing threat to public safety,” Biden said.

Biden might trust the FBI to handle investigations like the one into Shamsud-Din Jabbar’s allegedly ISIS-inspired massacre on Bourbon Street, but Americans who have seen the nation’s premier law enforcement agency weaponize itself against the Biden regime’s political opponents overwhelmingly don’t.

The FBI claims protecting the nation from terrorist attacks is its “number one priority.” Yet the agency spent recent years redirecting its attention and resources from top issues like violent criminal acts that lead to mass casualties and child sex abuse cases to arresting meemaws for walking around the U.S. Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021 and praying at abortion facilities.

The FBI’s laundry list of corruption extends far beyond smearing Catholics, concerned parents, and Trump voters as domestic terrorists, manufacturing scandals like the Russia collusion hoax, killing the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell, raiding the home of a former and future president even if it required “deadly force,” and interfering in elections. Yet, the DEI-plagued agency, despite its discrediting track record, is routinely accepted as the lead on investigations into real terrorism.

The FBI wholly disqualified itself from being the lead on the New Orleans investigation when it deemed anyone questioning the regime guilty of wrongthink at the same time it allowed, entrapped, and even groomed true threats. How can an entity that openly hyper-fixated its best efforts on “white supremacy” accurately and adequately evaluate a threat as serious and as widespread as Islamic terrorism? It can’t.

Even if it wasn’t politicized to its very core, the FBI’s incompetence and malfeasance no doubt hinder its ability to evaluate actual extremism and the threat it poses. The assistant special agent in charge of the New Orleans investigation claimed with a straight face that even though a man deliberately rammed a rented truck through a crowd, and even though “improvised explosive devices” were found, “this is not a terrorist event.”

Her downplaying directly followed comments from New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, who opened the Wednesday morning press conference by definitively stating that her city was “impacted by a terrorist attack.” It was also quickly followed by a statement from the FBI confirming that the agency was indeed investigating the tragedy as an “act of terrorism.”


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