LifeSiteNews (Faith)

Italian judge upholds blasphemy case against archbishop, painter of sacrilegious exhibit
Is Francis the pope? John-Henry Westen considers the evidence
Father Altman to join the LifeSiteNews novena for President Trump starting tomorrow
Times of crisis in the Church are often accompanied by special graces
Asylum seeker from Afghanistan desecrates famous Marian statue in Switzerland
Freed January 6 protester: I prayed inside the Capitol for the good of our country
The dangers of ignoring Our Lady’s warnings about the crisis in the Church
Ignoring Our Lady: a risk the Church can’t afford
Mother Miriam, Sister Dede to join our novena for President Trump starting November 21
Bishop Strickland: a prophet for our times
Trump’s new press secretary credited Catholic education for her views against abortion
Randall Terry’s powerful abortion ads were seen by 45 million viewers, likely helped Trump win
How dissenters tried to change Church teaching on contraception
Bishop Strickland to join our novena for President Trump starting November 21
Oklahoma purchases over 500 Bibles for use in classrooms
Catholics processed through rain-soaked streets of Missouri to defeat radical pro-abortion amendment
Archbishop Aguer remembers the legacy of an Argentine Catholic martyred by communists
Bishop Strickland: Our entire lives must be offered up in thanksgiving to God
Join our novena for President Trump starting November 21
Bishop Strickland: Abortion remains the preeminent issue of our time