The news just gets better and better. CNN and other Democrat propaganda should be sued into bakjruptcy for the lies, smears, defamation and overall destruction of our nation.
Independent: CNN announced on Thursday that it is eliminating about 6 percent of its workforce — mainly across the network’s traditional television operations — as it aims to expand and prioritize its digital and streaming services as cable viewers continue to cut the cord and the network’s ratings continue to dip. Roughly 200 employees will be laid off, though the network is looking to add roughly that same number of staffers to its digital side over the next year. Additionally, the network is reshaping its weekday lineup, which will see Jim Acosta losing his 10 a.m. ET show and is in talks to move to a new role (Independent).
CNN: CNN CEO Mark Thompson announced that CNN will soon unveil a new streaming service, a redesigned digital footprint and new subscriber services as well as the new show line up. CNN parent company Warner Bros. Discovery is investing $70 million into CNN’s digital plans, Thompson said (CNN).
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FIRED: CBS Evening News fired rabid anti-Trump anchor Norah O'Donnell. The drive-by media is desperately trying to move to the center…
— @amuse (@amuse) January 24, 2025
CNN Found Liable of DEFAMATION Against Navy Veteran, Must Pay Out Millions
TRUMP EFFECT: CNN ‘Will Axe Top Stars in Massive Layoffs As Ratings Tank, MSNBC To Be Sold
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