Harris-Biden Announce $300 Million to Palestinian (Hamas) Terror But “Can Do Nothing More” For Hurricane Victims in North Carolina

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-10-01 13:45:34 | Updated at 2024-10-01 15:35:35 1 hour ago

$336 million in additional  assistance for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, according to a US Agency for International Development (USAID) statement seen by Reuters. This aid goes right into the hands of the terrorists. Biden-Harris know this.

US to Permanently Remove Gaza Pier, Paid for By US Taxpayers, It Was Operational for Just 20 Days

Pentagon Admits None of the Aid  to Gaza Actually Got to Gazans

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UNRWA Caught Stealing and Then Selling Humanitarian Aid that Came into Gaza, UNRWA Staff “Have Their Homes Full of Aid”

President Biden told reporters there was nothing more that he could do for the people of Western North Carolina.

Towns completely wiped off the face of the Earth. It may be weeks before water is restored. Some 250,000 people are in the dark. Most roadways have been destroyed. Bridges washed away.

Biden: There’s Nothing More Government Can Do For Hurricane Victims

Biden/Harris Once Again Halts Weapons Israel

Funding terror, halting military aid to Israel, and abandoning the American people. There is no nuance here. The Democrats unwavering on the side of evil.

US to announce over $300 million in aid for Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank today

By Reuters, 30 September 2024, 5:04 pm

The United States will today announce nearly $336 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, according to a US Agency for International Development (USAID) statement seen by Reuters.

The funding will enable USAID’s partners to continue to provide humanitarian aid, including food assistance, healthcare, nutrition and other services, according to the statement.

The funding will also support emergency shelter assistance for displaced Gazans ahead of winter, the statement says.

“Over the last year, this conflict has cost the lives of innocent Palestinians and Israelis and has left Gaza and the West Bank in a state of humanitarian crisis and dire humanitarian need,” the statement says.

“The United States continues to call on all parties to agree to a ceasefire deal and an immediate release of hostages, and to allow for the immediate scale-up of humanitarian aid moving into and throughout Gaza.”

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