Hostage Deal on Hold as Hamas Makes Last-Minute Demands, Boasts of its “Pride” at the Oct. 7 Atrocities, Reneges on Parts of Agreement: “Allahu Akbar! We Will Go to Jerusalem, [Sacrifice] Millions of Martyrs!”

By Geller Report | Created at 2025-01-16 13:42:28 | Updated at 2025-01-16 18:51:57 5 hours ago

The terrible, horrible hostage deal is on hold. Good. It stinks.

Hamas on Thursday of backtracked on parts of the ‘ceasefire’ and hostage deal in the Gaza war and carried out fresh air strikes ahead of an expected vote by the cabinet.

BREAKING: Thousands of Palestinians are out on the streets of Gaza chanting "Allahu Akbar! We will go to Jerusalem, [sacrifice] millions of martyrs."

They are directly saying they want more war and to die. What kind of perverse culture is this?

— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) January 15, 2025

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BREAKING: Thousands of Palestinians are out on the streets of Gaza chanting "Allahu Akbar! We will go to Jerusalem, [sacrifice] millions of martyrs."

They are directly saying they want more war and to die. What kind of perverse culture is this?

— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) January 15, 2025

By Isabel Keane, NY Post,  Jan. 16, 2025:

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Thursday that the long-awaited cease-fire deal is on hold because of a “last minute crisis” — as Israel shared a new video of Hamas boasting of its “pride” at the Oct. 7 terror attack and threats of ongoing violence.

Netanyahu delayed his Cabinet voting Thursday on approving the historic deal, accusing Hamas of deserting parts of it while trying to “extort last-minute concessions.”

In part, that included the terror group now objecting to a part of the agreement that gave Israel the right to refuse the release of certain Palestinian prisoners accused of murders.

“Hamas is demanding that it determine the identity of the terrorists to be released,” Mr Netanyahu’s office said in a statement, vowing to stand firm on the earlier agreement.

Izzat al-Rashq, a senior Hamas official, denied it, saying the terror group remained “committed” to the long-awaited agreement announced Wednesday.

However, Israel shared a video early Thursday of Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya seemingly responding to the deal by expressing ongoing commitment to the violence that left to the Oct. 7 slaughter.

“What occurred on October 7 — a miraculous military and security achievement by the elite Qassam Brigades — will remain a source of pride for our people,” al-Haya said in the speech, according to a translated video shared by Israeli diplomat David Saranga.

“It struck the heart of the enemy and will lead, Allah willing, to the restoration of all our rights,” he said — accusing Israel of “genocidal wars, Nazi crimes, and acts of inhumanity,” according to the translation.

We will never forget or forgive those who participated in this genocide … Justice will be served to these criminals, even if delayed,” he was quoted as saying.

“Our enemy will see no moment of weakness or surrender from us.”

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