This is horrendous. Israel is releasing barbaric terrorists and mass murderers en masse. Israel must enact a death penalty law for terrorists, so that these immoral prisoner exchanges cannot occur in the future.
Palestinians report that al-Aqsa Martrys’ Brigades commander Zakaria Zubeidi is expected to be released tomorrow as a part of the hostage-for-terrorist swap deal.
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) January 29, 2025
Among the terrorists expected to be released tomorrow is Muhammad Abu Warda, who is responsible for two Jerusalem bus bombings in 1996 that killed 45 people. Warda is serving 48 life sentences for his atrocities.
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) January 29, 2025
Israel to release 110 terrorists, 33 serving life terms, including Zakaria Zubeidi
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In exchange for the 3 hostages who will be returned tomorrow, dozens of terrorists serving life sentences for murder will be set free from Israeli prisons. Among the released terrorists will be Zakaria Zubeidi.
By Arutz Sheva, January 29th, 2025
110 terrorists will be released tomorrow (Thursday) in exchange for the hostages Agam Berger, Arbel Yehud, and Gadi Mozes – 33 of whom were sentenced to life imprisonment after murdering Jews.
50 terrorists will be released in exchange for IDF lookout Agam Berger, 20 of whom were serving life sentences for murder. 30 terrorists will be released in exchange for each of the other two hostages, 60 in total, 13 of whom were serving life sentences for murder.
A total of 33 terrorists sentenced to life imprisonment, 47 terrorists sentenced to various prison terms, and 30 young and female terrorists will be released tomorrow.
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