JFK assassination files' 15 huge 'bombshells', including secret Jackie letter and missing 'conspiracy' footage

By Daily Mail (U.S.) | Created at 2025-03-18 13:37:16 | Updated at 2025-03-20 16:08:05 2 days ago

Donald Trump's release of the remaining JFK assassination files could include 15 huge revelations including a private letter Jackie Kennedy wrote to President Lyndon Johnson afterwards and missing 'conspiracy' footage. 

The president has ordered all remaining 80,000 pages of secret JFK assassination files to be released Tuesday afternoon. 

He said the massive trove is 'interesting' and previously said it would be unredacted, but gave little hint of what will be in it, leaving conspiracy theorists on tenterhooks.

The new files could include a missing original home movie of the assassination taken by bystander Orville Nix on November 22, 1963, according to the JFK Facts newsletter by leading expert on the assassination Jefferson Morley.

Missing footage

Nix, a Dallas maintenance worker, gave the film to the UPI news agency with the understanding that after 25 years it would be returned to his family. However, it was obtained by the Warren Commission and another federal panel that investigated the shooting and assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and never returned.

The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza says a film shot by Abraham Zapruder has greater historical value because it shows all of the shooting, as opposed to Nix's film and two others that capture part of the assassination.

Nix's granddaughter Gayle Jackson has said her grandfather's film was shot from Dealey Plaza. She said it shows Zapruder across the street, as well as the infamous grassy knoll from which many believe a second shooter may have operated. 

Jackie's letters to LBJ

The JFK files could also include five 'very personal letters of Mrs. Kennedy' to president Lyndon Johnson written in 1963.  The letters could offer a glimpse into how the former first lady saw the assassination, as she said she did not believe the official conclusion of a lone gunman. 

The new JFK assassination files could include the home video shot by bystander Oliver Nix, according to expert Jefferson Morley.

The documents could also in include five 'very personal letters of Mrs. Kennedy' to president Lyndon Johnson written in 1963

Miami's CIA files

According to Morley, the new documents could also include files on George Joannides, who was chief of covert action at the CIA's station in Miami in 1963 and funded a group of Cuban exiles, which Oswald tried to infiltrate weeks before he shot the president.

Cuban assassin's records 

Among the new documents could also be the missing CIA file of Cuban assassin Herminio Diaz Garcia and the missing travel records of CIA assassination chief William K. Harvey.

The transcript of testimony by counterintelligence chief James Angleton, who monitored Oswald's activities for four years before the JFK assassination, could also provide answers on whether foreign agents were used to surveil Oswald. 

Meanwhile the summary of CIA surveillance operations that monitored Oswald in Mexico City before the assassination could give insight into how the CIA spied on the killer for six weeks before he shot Kennedy dead.

The list of top-secret CIA paramilitary agents operating in the New Orleans when Oswald was there could also be part of the release, as well as the FBI file and any tapes of New Orleans crime boss Carlos Marcello.

Moreover, the operational and travel records of CIA officers Emilio Rodriguez, Anthony Sforza, and David Atlee Phillips could also provide information on what exactly the CIA knew about Oswald. 

JFK's Secretary's CIA memo

Among the possible documents could also be a secret memo on a potential 'CIA Reorganization' written by Kennedy's speechwriter and adviser Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

The Dallas Police Department mug shots of Lee Harvey Oswald following his arrest over the JFK assassination. Oswald claimed he was a 'patsy'.

U.S. President Donald Trump holds a signed executive order in the Oval Office of the White House, in Washington, U.S., January 23, 2025.

It was written shortly after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba and around the time Kennedy declared is intention to 'splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.'

Many have speculated that high-level CIA insiders either orchestrated JFK's assassination or turned a blind eye to its planning in a bid to get rid of the president and protect the agency.  

While some of the five-page memo has been released, one-and-a-half pages remain redacted.

'The page is about why JFK was alienated from the CIA, that's very important,'  Morley told DailyMail.com.

According to Morley, the files could also include the report by CIA Inspector General on the House Select Committee on Assassinations, which could provide insight into whether CIA officials showed an 'intent to deceive' Congress regarding the probe.

President Trump said the files would be released during a two-hour visit to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C.

He had spoken about releasing the JFK files during his first term in office but thousands remained under seal. Then, he signed an executive order in January to declassify the remaining files.

US President John F Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and others smile at the crowds lining their motorcade route in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. Minutes later the President was assassinated as his car passed through Dealey Plaza

Trump said Monday evening the documents would come out 'tomorrow afternoon.'

Asked if he had reviewed the documents, or would provide an executive summary, Trump added: 'I've heard about them. It's going to be very interesting.'

He said about 80,000 pages of material would come out.

'It's a lot of stuff, and you'll make your own determination,' he said inside the Kennedy Center.

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