Peni Parker is a spider-person from the future, but instead of relying on mutations or enhancements herself, she has her mechanized counterpart to fill the web-slinging role for her. Peni is a fantastic ‘setup’ tank who excels at area denial, if she has time to set up. Weaker when pushing, she shines when defending stationary objectives, making it difficult for enemies to even approach her without taking damage, breaking themselves on the walls of her considerable defense.
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What are Peni Parker’s Abilities?
Cyber-Web Cluster (Primary Attack - Left Click / RT) - Peni’s primary ability, this fully automatic ranged attack deals solid single-target damage. Simple and straight to the point.
Spider-Sweeper (Ultimate - L3+R3) - The spider suit gets four extra arms and starts running, attacking enemies and knocking them up in the air. She also places Cyber-Webs everywhere she walks, and you can use her primary and secondary attack buttons to rapidly create mines and drones. Because of this functionality, you can pop her Ultimate to both deal damage to enemies and set up your defenses, creating hazardous zones for enemies while you gain a speed bonus and healing. A great way to re-take space, or enter an objective point hot.
Screenshot: NetEase / Kotaku
Bionic Spider-Nest (LB) - Create a Spider-Nest which creates Spider-Drones to attack enemies, and spread Cyber-Webs that give Peni a movement boost and healing over time. Extra healing gives her bonus health, making this your first move when you reach an objective point or group of enemies.
Arachno-Mine (Right Click / RB) - Peni shoots a mine onto the ground. Place them on Cyber-Webs to camouflage them. When you are guarding a base or setting up your defenses, and you already have a Bionic Spider-Nest created and more Cyber-Webs around, start setting these up to catch approaching enemies. Narrow walkways are best.
Cyber-Bond (B / Circle) - Peni’s web-swinging option, although it just zips her from point A to B, so she’s less mobile than Spider-Man and Venom. Creates a Cyber-Web where it sticks. It anchors you to your target point by default, so press the button again to detach yourself. It can also anchor you to existing Cyber-Webs or Spider-Nests, pulling you back to the anchor point if you stray too far. A great way to avoid being pushed around by enemies.
Wall Crawl (A / Cross) - Like the other web-slingers, Peni can use this to walk on walls. Use this to speed your way through the level and get to objectives faster, giving you more time to set traps.
Cyber-Web Snare (LT) - A versatile move, you can attach it to surfaces to create a web that makes Peni move faster and gradually heal. If you already have full health, you’ll gain Bonus Health instead. You can also use Cyber-Bond to web to your Cyber-Web spots. You can also shoot a Cyber-Web at enemies to immobilize them, making it a great way to stop Strategists and Dualists in their tracks, making it easier to knock them out.
Team-Up Ability: Armor Expulsion (Y / Triangle) - When teamed up with Venom, Peni can activate her symbiote to steadily knock back enemies and deal damage.
Screenshot: NetEase / Kotaku
How Should I Play Peni Parker?
If she is played well, Peni can solo tank if you have extra healers and she has time to set up, but she serves best as a secondary tank whose job is to defend specific areas and plant traps. Paired with a shield tank like Magneto, Dr. Strange, or Groot, she is an incredibly powerful supplement. She also pairs well with dive tanks like Venom, Cap, and Thor to stay nimble and mobile, while dealing good damage to groups.
Use her Ultimate to move slightly ahead of moving objective points, making it much easier to keep pushing, or attack with your team to push enemies off their objective and quickly establish an ensconced position.
Peni’s web-slinging and wall-crawling abilities mean you should also try to think vertically. Use your mobility to flank enemies, setting up defenses and making it difficult for them to maneuver through chokepoints and bottlenecks.
In the hands of a skilled player, Peni is very hard to kill, and her defended positions are very difficult for enemies to overtake. Good luck out there!