Asif Rahman, a CIA analyst stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Cambodia, admitted in court today to leaking classified documents detailing Israel’s preparations for an attack on Iran in October. Charged with two counts of sharing sensitive national security information, Rahman faces up to 20 years in prison.
Despite the maximum sentence, both sides have reportedly agreed to a plea deal of 6.5 years, which could be reduced further due to his admission of guilt. Prosecutors allege Rahman acted out of ideological motives and warned of the risk that he could leak additional classified documents.
6.5 years is treason.
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Federal prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia said in court that Rahman possibly harbored ideological motives. That’s the new euphemism for Islam and jihad terror – ideological motives.
This is who the CIA clears for high level security clearance. They are just another rogue agency that needs to be dismantled. They are the enemy within.
Former CIA analyst pleads guilty in leak of secret files on Israel
By Salvador Rizzo, MSN, January 17, 2025;
A former CIA analyst pleaded guilty Friday to leaking highly classified records that detailed Israeli military preparations for a retaliatory strike on Iran, which were posted on social media last year and led officials to delay the attack.
Asif W. Rahman was arrested after FBI investigators traced the download of the two leaked documents to his workstation in the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The records from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency — marked top secret — described aviation exercises and movements of munition carts on an Israeli airfield that were consistent with preparations for a strike on Iran, but contained no images, U.S. officials have said.
Rahman faces up to 20 years in prison for the violations of the Espionage Act, though he probably will receive less as a first-time offender. Lawyers for both sides agreed that federal sentencing guidelines called for a prison term of about five to 6½ years, and the plea agreement Rahman signed allows prosecutors to request an even shorter sentence if he continues to cooperate with U.S. officials.
Defense attorney Amy Jeffress said in court that Rahman had been in talks with federal prosecutors since the week after Christmas to discuss his acceptance of responsibility. She declined to comment after the hearing.
Federal prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia said in court that Rahman possibly harbored ideological motives and posed a threat to U.S. national security because he could release more classified information in an effort to influence the conflict between Israel and Gaza. He had been a CIA analyst since 2016, and previously had access to classified information on the Middle East, U.S. officials said. He deleted more than 1.5 gigabytes of data, including a trove of reports on the Middle East that he had retained after losing authorization to access them, to cover his tracks in the days after the Oct. 17 leaks, prosecutors said.
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