Four Israelis have been injured in a terror attack in Tel Aviv overnight…
The attacker, was a US green card holder from Morocco, who arrived in Israel just 3 days ago… He had been living in the U.S. up until the attack…
The terrorist entered a wine bar in Tel Aviv and started stabbing patrons…
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Reinstate Trump’s jihad ban.
4 Israelis have been injured in a terror attack in Tel Aviv overnight…
The attacker, was a US green card holder from Morocco, who arrived in Israel just 3 days ago… He had been living in the U.S. up until the attack…
According to @TreyYingst of Fox News,…
— Trevor Thacker (@trethack24) January 22, 2025
Kaddi Abdelaziz carried out the stabbing attack that injured four Israelis in Tel Aviv. He was a US green card holder, originally from Morocco.
— Trey Yingst (@TreyYingst) January 22, 2025
US green card holder stabs 4 in Israel terror attack — then is shot dead
By Ronny Reyes, NY Post, Jan. 21, 2025:
A Moroccan national with a US green card stabbed and wounded four people in a terror attack in Israel on Tuesday before he was shot dead, officials said.
Kaddi, who held a US permanent resident card, had entered Israel on Jan. 18 with a tourist visa, Israeli officials said.
Israeli police say the attack happened in Tel Aviv’s Nahalat Binyamin neighborhood Tuesday evening, with witnesses reporting that Kaddi was killed by an armed civilian.
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