Hollywood sons ready to shine
New film. “Novocaine.” Stars Meg Ryan’s son Jack Quaid and Jack Nicholson’s son Ray. Off-camera Ray says: “Jack’s niceness is intimidating because I’m not that nice a guy.” The thing shoots into theaters tomorrow. Bring your dentist.
Here’s another springtime beauty. Steven Soderbergh’s Brit wit spy thriller “Black Bag.” Says Cate Blanchett: “I play damaged goods. But in the espionage game people are all damaged. They have nothing to lose.”
Pierce Brosnan, playing a shifty type, likes the wardrobe. “His morality is questionable but he wore a beautiful suit and his ego’s a mile long.” Also comes for another fitting tomorrow.
1972 the late Gene Hackman worked with Lee Marvin and Sissy Spacek. Lee Marvin once said: “Seeing me on screen the audience knows two things. I’m not getting the girl, and two, I’ll be getting a cheap funeral.”
Nothing happy in film. Also wriggling out is Laurence Fishburne and Rachel Brosnahan. “The Amateur.” Rami Malek is a mousy CIA decoder. In a basement. His wife’s killed. He wants revenge. So he blows up bad guys.
If hungry for more mayhem, massacre and murder Portugal now announces the Tribeca Film Festival in Lisbon. In October. So yippee! — you can soon see blood and killing and stabbing in the fall as well. Mucho mazel tov to us all.
Being hounded by the press
Unrequested Sun newspaper emails arrive hourly. My hair should grow so fast. Their political newspaper writers now jam my inbox. I say, “Forget it.” They forget that. Here’s yesterday’s sample:
Alan Dershowitz: “In today’s media landscape too many publications get things wrong. They’re more concerned with the political implications of a story than the basic facts.”
Next comes his “The New York Sun — a paper that places principle over politics and people over party — is different. And the future of our nation begins with the restoration of real American journalism . . . devoted to that mission truly ‘shines for all.’ ” Following this in red letters is “Join for 1 cent.”
Next Newt Gingrich, who calls the Sun “a patriotic paper that lives and breathes American values and now carries his exclusive weekly column.”
After that, Conrad Black who lists “helping build the third largest newspaper company in the Western World” and “Many journalists abuse public trusts instead of policing the powerful on behalf of the powers they favor.” Next: “Start reading for 1 cent per day.”
Following this comes a dozen Larry Kudlow messages like how “Trump captures new American zeitgeist” and how I should sign up with the Sun.
Scene & heard
Meanwhile, thanks to Quest’s spring issue for my photo wearing a beige cashmere shawl from Cinema Society’s movie premiere producer Andrew Saffir.
And thanks to Denis Morovic of West 36th Street’s DK restaurant, which in old nearby MSG Billy Joel days, the chicken wings, meatball apps and porterhouse business drew $275K yearly.
Downtown. Customer: “I can’t pay for this suit for another six months.” Tailor: “No problem.” Customer: “So when will it be ready?” Tailor: “In six months.”
Only in New York, kids, only in New York.