The three Israeli hostages have been reunited with their families.
Released hostage Emily Damari lost two of her fingers the day of her capture and kidnapping to Gaza by Hamas terrorists.
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BREAKING: The ex-hostages were forced to wear necklaces of the Palestinian flag during their release.
Can you imagine if the Palestinian prisoners, who are convicted murderers, not innocent hostages, were sent back wearing necklaces with the Israeli flag?
The world would riot.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) January 19, 2025
Romi in the arms of her mother.
The moment we have all been waiting for ❤️
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) January 19, 2025
You’ll notice that not a single women’s rights group has posted about the three female hostages being released.
Moral bankruptcy.
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) January 19, 2025
This was someone who was in my life & really believed the lies.
Could the tide be turning ?
— Faerie 🧡 (@LiquidFaerie) January 19, 2025
The scenes from Gaza are terrifying. I’ve never seen anything like this.
Thousands of men consumed by hate trying to get to three innocent girls.
— Dr. Maalouf (@realMaalouf) January 19, 2025
🚨 JUST IN: The three freed Israeli hostages have now taken off with their mothers in an IAF helicopter to the hospital, where they will meet the rest of their families and receive medical treatment
— Raylan Givens (@JewishWarrior13) January 19, 2025
Released hostages reunited with their mothers, return to Israeli territory
ICRC collect Emily Damari, Romi Gonen, and Doron Steinbrecher • Report: Israel received word hostages in ‘good condition’
Released hostages arrive at hospital with mothers
The three released hostages have landed at a hospital, where they will be receive medical treatment and be reunited with their families, the IDF announced on Sunday.
The IDF, ISA, the Mossad, and Israeli health authorities are ready to continue receiving additional hostages and are operating to bring home all the hostages, the statement said.
Hamas said the group would abide by a ceasefire agreement that came into force in Gaza on Sunday but that any possible Israeli violations would endanger the process and put the lives of hostages at risk.
In a video speech, al-Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Ubaida urged mediators to compel Israel to commit to the ceasefire deal.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Gal Hirsch, the coordinator for the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, at the moment that the three hostages were out of Hamas captivity and released into Red Cross custody, according to a transcript published by the Prime Minister’s Office.
28-year-old Emily Damari, 23-year-old Romi Gonen, and 31-year-old Doron Steinbrecher spent 471 days in Hamas captivity
“I want to report that our hostages have been transferred over to our forces and they are crossing the border into Israel. I am very excited,” Netanyahu announced.
Netanyahu continued: “Gal, tell the hostages: An entire nation embraces you, welcome home. We know they have been through hell. They are leaving the darkness to re-enter the light. This is a big moment, a great day.”
Hirsch replied, emphasizing an expected warm embrace: “We will hug them and keep bringing them all home,”
17 min ago
IDF: Released hostages reunite with their mothers after 471 days in captivity
The mothers of the three released captives have reunited with their daughters, the IDF announced Sunday night.
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