Last Sunday, the RBC Place London in London Ont., was the venue for a jam-packed Pierre Poilievre rally called, “Bring it Home.”
Across the street, Stevie (a.k.a., Samantha) Bees, a “transman” (a woman pretending to be a man), organized something she described on social media as a picnic.
“Pierre Poilievre is hosting a ‘Bring it Home Rally’ and will be attending in person,” she posted. “Coincidentally, I will be enjoying a picnic across the street at the exact same time and everyone is invited.”
Two things: who organizes a “picnic” in Canada in the wintertime? And while most picnics tend to be fun-filled family affairs, this one was vile.
The attendees were unhinged and violent members of the Trans Mafia and their “allies” (a.k.a., Antifa thugs.)
They displayed signs and chanted slogans claiming Poilievre is a “Nazi” and a “pedophile” (with no evidence to substantiate these outrageous defamatory claims.)
As for the organizer Bees, this is truly a vile specimen indeed. She embraces cancel culture. Case in point: she is the one who successfully got Museum London to remove the April Hutchinson exhibit. Hutchison is the champion powerlifter who registered her displeasure that men are now allowed to compete with real females (slaughtering them in the process.)
Standing up for fairness and common sense somehow makes April Hutchinson a “transphobe” and she was actually suspended for two years by the woke wimps who run the Canadian Powerlifting Union.
Bees seized on this to coerce Museum London to cancel Hutchinson. This kook also tried to get Hutchinson fired from her job. Thankfully, Bees was unsuccessful.
The far-left activist was also unsuccessful in trying to cancel an ad campaign running on London Transit Commission buses that took a stance against puberty blockers. Evidently, this is “transphobic” as well.
We had several queries for Bees and her assorted nuts. Such as:
- What is your issue with Pierre Poilievre?
- Are you OK with biological men invading the safe spaces of real women – bathrooms, changerooms, sports events, shelters and prisons?
- In sports, why is that so-called transwomen – men pretending to be women – set records but so-called transmen – women pretending to be men – can’t even make the team?
- What exactly is your issue with the London Transit ad campaign regarding puberty blockers?
- Why do you embrace cancel culture? Why do you want to economically attack those you disagree with?
- Have you ever sought out psychiatric help?
But here’s the thing: we could not ask a single query as the mob was so unhinged as well as violent.
One thug kept blaring a megaphone in our ears — in full view of two useless cops with the London Police Service, who not only refused to press charges but allowed the sonic assault to continue.
One officer said: “They [transgenders] don’t want you here [public sidewalk]” — and apparently this gives the trans crowd carte blanche to assault those they disagree with. Yet again, another disgraceful example of two-tier policing.
Our final unanswered question when it comes to the rank-and-file members of the Trans Mafia: why is it that this community is always asking for more tolerance — but is so thoroughly intolerant when it comes to those who espouse differing viewpoints?
In the final analysis, don’t you pine for the good ol’ days when “tranny trouble” meant the gearshift was slipping from “drive” into “neutral”?
David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.