Nearly a dozen pro-life activists who were arrested for praying and singing in an abortion clinic, then charged and thrown in federal prison by the Biden Department of Justice, have been pardoned by President Donald Trump. DOJ prosecutors argued they violated the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinics Entrances) Act. The move comes on the eve of the annual March for Life in Washington D.C (Katie Pavlich:.
For the crime of singing hymns and praying in front of a Nashville abortion clinic, these pro life activists (and others) were imprisoned by the Biden regime.
President Trump just now signed a pardon for them.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 23, 2025
This is Lauren Handy.
She was sentenced to nearly 5 years in prison under the Biden-Harris administration for peacefully protesting abortion and believing unborn children deserve to live.
She is not a criminal.
She is only 30 years old.@realDonaldTrump pardon her.
— Anna Lulis (@annamlulis) January 18, 2025
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Trump War Room: President Donald J. Trump grants pardons to peaceful pro-life protesters prosecuted by the Biden administration over exercising their First Amendment rights (X).
Bevelyn Beatty Williams is a wife & mother currently serving 3.5 yrs in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic.
On the right is 20 yr old Mohamed Shei, who only served 6 mos for sexually abusing 4 & 9 year old girls!
Trump should pardon her for this TRAVESTY of…
— Michelle #AmericaFirst (@MichelleRM68) December 15, 2024
This is how the mainstream media biases you, subconsciously, constantly.
We’ve all been exposed to this for decades.
Curiosity and intellectual humility are the way out.
— Kaizen D. Asiedu (@thatsKAIZEN) January 24, 2025
Why Democrats Have Waged War On Pregnancy Centers
Another Pregnancy Center in Colorado Set on Fire By Democrat Terrorists
The Truth Must be Told
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