There is no getting away from it, the Democrat regime is evil. Members of terrorist groups in Gaza used the condoms and helium in 2018-2019 to burn southern Israel.
Not a joke – The White House nearly sent $50M worth of condoms to Gaza—during what they called a ‘genocide.’
A 2% population spike doesn’t exactly scream extermination, does it?
The narrative is breaking.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) January 28, 2025
DOGE just found $50 million in taxpayer money that was going towards condoms for Gaza.
— Bruce Snyder (@realBruceSnyder) January 28, 2025
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Members of terrorist groups in Gaza used all the condoms and helium in 2018-2019 to burn southern Israel, @karolineleavitt.
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) January 28, 2025
‘$50m. taxpayer dollars about to fund condoms in Gaza,’ WH press sec. says
By: Jerusalem Post, January 28, 2025;
“There was about to be $50 million taxpayer dollars that went out the door to fund condoms in Gaza,” White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said on Tuesday, slamming the Biden administration for its handling of foreign aid.
The Trump administration froze foreign aid over the weekend, pending review. “That is a preposterous waste of taxpayer money,” Leavitt added, citing the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
This was the first White House press briefing since President Donald Trump took office.
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza began launching improvised explosive devices (IEDs), including condoms and balloons, into Israel’s South in 2017.
Condoms and balloons with explosive devices attached to them landed in schoolyards, agricultural fields, and highways and caused significant physical and psychological damage.
Thousands of hectares of land were burned, and these IEDs caused millions of shekels of damage.
As terrorists learned how to increase their range, in 2019, several balloons with rocket-propelled grenades attached were discovered close to a gas station by security staff at the Midreshet Ben-Gurion educational center near Sde Boker, some 70 km. from Gaza.
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