From a boat by the side of the wave in Tahiti, Brouillet captured Medina suspended in mid-air, as if stood on solid ground, as his board mimicked his stance.
Below are a selection of the gold, silver, bronze and special merits across all 24 categories of the awards, which are now in their fifth year.
Aquatics: Water Jump to Bronze by Pim Ras
Athletics: Steeplechase at Storms Twilight by Brett Pierce
Baseball: Ohtani Shattered by Geoff Burke
Basketball: Seeing Double by Andrew Hancock
Boxing: Pamela Malvina Noutcho Sawa by Silvia Casali
Cricket: Flying Catch by Andrew Cornaga
Cycling: Framing by Ashley & Jered Gruber
Equestrian: Take It Higher by Tilly Berendt
Formula 1: Back to Winning Ways by David Davies
Golf: Wet-n-Wild by Brennan Asplen
Gymnastics: Untitled by Mike Egerton
Ice Hockey: The Shadow by Bruce Bennett
Martial Arts: Octagon under Sphere by Christian Petersen
Motor Sports: Dusty 180 Corner by Hannu Rainamo
Racquet Sports: Double Rainbow during the Beach Tennis by Vinicius Shima
Rugby: Rugby in the Mud by Hassan Omar Wamwayi
Swimming & Diving: Diving at Aspire Dome by Shinya Tanaka