The Jerusalem Post (World News)

Iran brokering talks to send advanced Russian missiles to Yemen's Houthis, sources say
Biden urges Israel and Hamas to finalize ceasefire agreement amid ongoing conflict
UN Amb. Danon: Conflict will end when Hezbollah not on Israel's border
President Cyril Ramaphosa: 'We South Africans know what apartheid looks like'
Hezbollah escalates Lebanon into new crisis amid renewed conflict with Israel
IDF escalation in Lebanon inevitable amid little global leverage on Hezbollah
House approves bill to study making US Jewish history museum part of the Smithsonian
Sweden accuses Iran of hacking messaging service after Quran burnings
MDA's intensive care bus makes operational debut amid escalation in North
Israel weighs ground invasion of Lebanon amid escalating Hezbollah threats
Erdogan calls for UN coercive measures against Israel for stalling ceasefire
Knesset committee reviews demographic growth plan for Golan Heights amid security concerns
Yemen's VP calls for unified strategy to contain Houthis amid rising regional tensions
Russia, battling birth rate dip, is working on 'child-free' ideology ban, says Putin ally
Top air force official: No one warns enemy to evacuate before attacking
António Guterres at UNGA: 'World cannot let Lebanon become another Gaza'
Israel's tech industry withstanding war stresses
A turning point in Israel-Hezbollah conflict
Noa in the park
Second wave of attacks on Hezbollah as Lebanese citizens flee the South