The SEC chairman is Gary Gensler, a far left progressive who CFO of Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign. The Democrat party now wields its pwoer like a club. They have fully weaponized the federal government to go after their perceived enemies. There is no greater threat to the Democrat party than free speech.
Biden’s SEC accused Musk of waiting too long to disclose of his stake in Twitter. An SEC rule requires investors to disclose within 10 days when they cross a threshold of owning 5% or more of a company. They say Musk took 21 days to disclose his initial purchase of 5% of Twitter. Yes, that’s the lawsuit.
The SEC is suing Elon over Twitter, Obviously more lawfare from Biden on his way out. Sad pathetic old
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) January 15, 2025
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Elon Musk has been constantly attacked the SEC. He told the SEC to check the people shorting Tesla and they never did.
They are completely bias and hate Elon/Tesla.
— Tesla Owners Silicon Valley (@teslaownersSV) January 14, 2025
the sec is suing elon musk for buying twitter at “artificially low prices” even though he bought it for $44 billion and industry analysts said it was worth more like $30 billion?
nothing makes sense man
— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 14, 2025
Joe Biden’s Head of The SEC Gary Gensler is suing Elon Musk over his Twitter acquisition
Gary Gensler has a LONG history of weaponizing The SEC against Democrat’s political enemies. In fact, it got so bad JD Vance had to threaten Gary Gensler over it
Here’s JD Vance threatening Gary Gensler for weaponizing the SEC against Democrats political enemies including Trump
JD Vance threatens Gary Gensler “Maybe I can appeal to your sense of self interest. If you guys use the SEC in such a politically motivated way, eventually, you’re gonna be out of power.”
Gary Gensler was part of a corrupt Democrat dream team hired to target and bring fake investigations against Donald Trump
Joe Biden’s Head of The SEC Gary Gensler is suing Elon Musk over his Twitter acquisition
Gary Gensler has a LONG history of weaponizing The SEC against Democrat’s political enemies. In fact, it got so bad JD Vance had to threaten Gary Gensler over it
Here’s JD Vance threatening…
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) January 15, 2025
Why did the SEC wait 1016 days to sue Elon?
They knew the relevant facts 2 year and 9 months ago
7 days before Trump's inauguration
Partisan political pandering
Team Biden-Harris destroyed the institutional integrity of all federal agencies
— Warren Redlich – Chasing Dreams 🇺🇸 (@WR4NYGov) January 15, 2025
Since Elon Musk Bought 𝕏:
-SEC sues Musk over the purchase
-FTC demands internal 𝕏 documents
-Biden DOJ sues SpaceX for not hiring refugees for secret rocket technology
-Biden DOJ and SEC open investigations against Tesla over a literal glass house
-Biden DOJ opens criminal investigation against Tesla over self-driving cars
-Federal investigation into Neuralink
-EOCC sues Tesla over harassment
-Massive media campaign against 𝕏
-Massive corporate boycott campaign
Since Elon Musk Bought 𝕏:
-SEC sues Musk over the purchase
-FTC demands internal 𝕏 documents
-Biden DOJ sues SpaceX for not hiring refugees for secret rocket technology
-Biden DOJ and SEC open investigations against Tesla over a literal glass house
-Biden DOJ opens criminal…
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 6, 2023
The Democrat party destroyed the institutional integrity of all federal agencies.
The Truth Must be Told
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